Build a Bounty of Good Reviews for Your Home Care Agency

Home Care Reviews

As we swing into the holiday season, it’s common for an overpowering sense of giving to sweep over us, whether we’re shopping for gifts or simply giving thanks for life’s blessings. It’s a great time to reflect on the things that have brought us joy, but for home care agency owners, it’s also a good time to appreciate something that … Read More

Zen and the Art of Home Care Sales and Marketing Alignment

Art of Home Care Sales

It may sound a little new-agey, but when it comes down to it, we’re all trying to be more Zen in both our personal and business lives. In a basic sense, Zen means achieving perfect alignment. When things are in alignment in your life, everything, from work to relationships, seems to flow and function better. For business owners and operators, … Read More

Creating a Data-Driven Marketing Strategies for Home Care

home care agency

Today it’s nearly impossible to do anything without first considering the data behind your decision. Take race car drivers, for example. Two big races – the Indy 500 and the Monaco Grand Prix – were held last month, and if you watched, you probably noticed a ton of data, both on your screen and being discussed by commentators. From brake … Read More

How to Attract and Keep the Best Millennial Caregivers With These Creative Caregiver Recruiting Ideas

Creative Recruiting Ideas

Article by Anne-Lise Gere, SPHR, independent Human Resources consultant and owner of Gere Consulting Associates LLC. Step aside, baby boomers – the largest generational group in the U.S. workforce is now officially millennials, those born between 1981 and 1997. With more than 75 million millennials at work, it’s crucial to both understand and meet the needs of this generation in order to attract and retain … Read More

Marketing Your Home Care Business: Telling Your Story in a Brand New Way

Marketing Home Care

Everyone loves a good story, whether it’s sitting around a campfire toasting marshmallows, gathered around the dinner table, or snuggled under the covers with a sleepy toddler and a brightly colored board book. At corecubed, we’re no different. We love to hear our clients’ stories – what inspired them to start their business, the history behind that “why,” and what motivates … Read More

Assess the Quality of Your Home Care Marketing Content with This Quick Checklist

home care marketing content

Let me ask you something: Are you content with your content? In other words, of the nearly 200,000 words in the English language, how satisfied are you with the ones you’re using to represent your agency – on your website, in your brochure, on the phone with inquirers? Are they crafted together in a compelling way that causes referral sources … Read More

Throw Family Caregivers a Lifeline: Use Life Hacks to Market Home Care

Family Caregivers

Hacking is a big buzzword today; we hear it everywhere, often in reference to computers. But hacking goes far beyond traditional computer hacking. In fact, it has made its way into our daily, non-digital, lives. As technology has made our lives faster and more efficient, many of us are seeking the same “hacks” or efficiencies in our day-to-day lives. Enter … Read More

Home Care Marketing Pet Peeves We Can’t Stay Quiet About Any Longer

home care maketing

Imagine, for a moment, that you are your business, personified. Now take a look in the mirror. What do you see? More importantly, what does your target audience see? At corecubed, we pride ourselves on helping in-home care agencies define the personality of their businesses through branding, and then project that brand to their intended market, to essentially say, “This is … Read More

Top Home Care Marketing Trends in 2017

Home Care Marketing Trends

Digital marketing isn’t just a trend these days; it’s THE way to get your business out in front of your audience. It’s also the way that people find the goods and services they want or need. But there are plenty of trends within digital marketing that tend to ebb and flow as technology and consumer habits evolve. This year, we … Read More

Hands In for the Value of Home Care!

value of home care

Home care agencies are crucial to filling in the gaps and providing the much-needed care of our growing aging population. Learn more about how to maintain the value of home care in our latest blog post.