Changes in the Home Care Industry Provide Opportunities for Growth

home care marketing solutions

Paul Kusserow is the President and Chief Executive Officer for Amedisys, the largest independent provider of home health, hospice and personal care services in the United States. As an industry veteran, Kusserow recognizes the growing pains and opportunities associated with change in the home health industry. Kusserow highlights two changes in the home health industry: one, the introduction of patient … Read More

The Advantages of Working With A Google Partner

google marketing partner

As the owner or manager of a home care agency, your days are probably filled with paperwork, fulfilling staffing needs, and most importantly, providing top-notch care for clients and their families. The last thing you want to think about at the end of the day is search engine optimization (SEO), pay–per–click advertising (PPC), or senior care website updates and analytics. While you are aware of the … Read More

How to Rev Up Visibility of Your Home Care Website

website visibility

There are two questions we receive regularly from home care agency owners:  “How can I attract more customers online?” and “How can I attract more caregivers online?”   In this internet-driven world, the answer comes down to two key factors: the quality of your website, and whether or not searchers can find it.   With so many home care agencies vying for the top spot in search results, it’s imperative to understand why content is so important and why it needs to … Read More

Creative Recruiting Marketing Ideas for Home Care Agencies: Your Home Care Agency Survival Kit

recruitment marketing strategy

In the recently released Home Care Pulse 2020 Benchmarking Study, caregiver shortages and turnover were identified as two of the top five threats facing home care providers. According to AARP, more than 21 percent of American adults are currently providing care for an older loved one at home – up from 18% in 2016, an increase of 9.5 million people. This dramatic increase signals the importance … Read More

A Win/Win: Our Award-Winning Marketing Materials Make Your Agency Shine!

healthcare marketing

We’re delighted to share the news that we’ve been honored by Marketing Healthcare Today Magazine and Creative Images, Inc. with four 2019 Aster Awards: three gold and one silver. The Aster Awards recognize outstanding home health care professionals for excellence in advertising and marketing efforts – the largest, most respected national competition of its kind.   Judged on creativity, layout and design, functionality, … Read More

SEO and PPC: How Home Care Agencies Are Using Search Strategies to Soar

For the longest time, home care agencies have focused mainly on print and direct mail advertising strategies to generate new business. While these traditional techniques are important and still bring value, many home care agencies are mixing up their overall marketing strategies by implementing SEO (search engine optimization) and PPC (pay-per-click). Using both SEO and PPC home care ads can … Read More

How To Emphasize Quality to Overcome Home Care Cost Objections

home care marketing

As consumers, we do whatever we can to ensure we’re getting the best price for our purchases, whether through comparing costs online, clipping coupons, or asking friends and family for recommendations. Yet there are also situations when quality takes a front seat over cost: Choosing an elegant restaurant to celebrate a special occasion. Determining the best surgeon for a heart … Read More

Factors to Look for When Selecting Quality In-Home Care for Your Senior Loved One

home care marketing solutions

If you’ve decided in-home care is an appropriate solution to help your parent as he or she is aging in place, you’ve probably begun completing your due diligence by asking for recommendations from friends and family members, researching online reviews for local agencies, and possibly even scheduling interviews with prospective home care agencies or individual caregivers in an effort to … Read More

Sherlock Home Care: Benefits of Mystery Shopping Your Agency

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The home care industry is at its most competitive, and figuring out how to get ahead can feel like a great mystery. The good news is that you don’t need to hire Sherlock Holmes to get the inside info you need to succeed. Mystery shopping helps companies assess the competition to gain better insight into how other businesses stack up … Read More

In-Home Care Is Critical in the Changing U.S. Health Care Industry

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Twenty-five years ago, when Allen Hager, executive chairman of Risemark and founder of Right at Home, first got into home care, 8% of the United States GDP was spent on health care. Today, it’s nearly 18% and expected to hit 20% within the next several years. Hager explains that escalating costs and a societal responsibility to provide long-term care for … Read More

How the Home Care Industry Is Working to Meet the Needs of Today’s Consumers

marketing to seniors

Choosing a home care agency for a senior loved one can be confusing. There are a number of questions that must be navigated to determine whether home care is covered through Medicare or Medicaid, and if so, how much is covered? There are also questions about the level of care needed. Does the senior need skilled nursing assistance, companionship, or … Read More

In-Home Care Is Preventative Health Care

Elder Care Marketing

Historically, health care in the United States has functioned by addressing crisis. For older adults, that may mean hospitalization due to illness, a chronic health condition, or a fall. Unfortunately, once a senior enters the hospital for treatment, a cycle of readmission can ensue, with patients getting better and being discharged, only to return with a complication, or similar issue. … Read More

Fix It and Flip It: Home Care Marketing Tools Can Help You Sell Your Agency

home care marketing

Home improvement and house flipping shows like Property Brothers, Flip or Flop, and Fixer Upper are wildly popular as housing markets across the country climb and people dream of selling for a high profit. Just like the housing market, the home care industry is also hot, and many agency owners are hoping to sell their businesses to the highest bidder. … Read More

Plan Ahead to Help Seniors Age in Place

elder care marketing

Help Choose Home Podcast: Interview with Steven H.  Landers, MD, MPH, President and CEO of the Visiting Nurse Association Health Group, Inc. While there is much uncertainty in the world today, one thing we can count on: we are all getting older. Aging brings about change, but aging doesn’t have to bring about a loss of independence as you evaluate … Read More

How Technology Is Helping Seniors Remain Safely in Their Homes

marketing for home care

Heraclitus, the pre-Socractic Greek philosopher, said, “Change is the only constant in life.” In the field of technology, this is particularly true. And while one can argue that not all change is positive, the constant evolution of technology has provided us with a myriad of products that make our lives easier. Laurie Orlov is a tech industry veteran, writer, speaker, … Read More

The Future of Health Care Starts in the Home

home care marketing

Health care is evolving, and with that evolution, Arnie Cisneros, president of Home Health Strategic Management, believes there is an opportunity for the home health care industry to set itself apart as the go-to vehicle for delivering results-oriented, higher quality, lower cost care. And where can home health make this impact? In the transition phase, where patients move from hospital … Read More

What the Fab Five Can Teach Us About Marketing Home Care

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I’ll admit it; I’m a binge watcher. When I find a show I love on Netflix, I might as well just block out the next few hours of my life. My latest binge watch session, however, provided a good dose of inspiration into how agencies could be marketing home care services better. If you haven’t caught up on the two … Read More

Help Choose Home Podcast with Jennifer Gibson

home health marketing

Make Homecare a Familiar Choice What’s the biggest hurdle to getting people to help choose home for care? According to Jennifer Gibson, RN, and the Senior Clinical Specialist at Axxess Technologies in Dallas, TX, it’s the unfortunate reality that many consumers, and even referral services like hospitals and physicians, are not familiar with the industry, and therefore do not look … Read More

How e-Newsletters Bolster Home Care Referrals

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Word travels fast, and in the current era of email, text, and social media, it travels faster than ever. That’s great news for home care providers, because word of mouth is still one of the best referral sources for agencies. As noted in Home Care Pulse’s 2018 Home Care Benchmarking Study, word-of-mouth referrals from past and current clients and their … Read More

Facebook Marketing 2.0: Pay to Play

Marketing Home Care on Facebook

Ah, the good old days; we often long for their simplicity, and yet time and so-called “progress” march on. In Facebook’s glory days, we didn’t worry about fake news, algorithms, or ads. Instead, it was all about making friends, catching up, and sharing. Then businesses wanted to use Facebook to connect with consumers, so they joined the platform and started … Read More

Is Your SEO Provider Helping or Hurting Your Home Care Agency?

Home Care SEO Provider

People get into the home care field because they have a passion for helping others, and with such aspirations, it is counter-intuitive to think that someone you hire to help your business would do something that could hurt it. However, as much as we’d love to believe that everyone who claims to be a professional in his or her field … Read More

Top 5 Blogs & Webcasts Home Care Insiders Fell for in 2017

home care blogs and webcasts

As industry insiders know, marketing home care is different from selling other services. As great as your passion is for providing home care and enhancing others’ lives, there’s no denying the challenges home care marketing and sales can present. As Shakespeare put it, “The course of true love never did run smooth.” In the past year, we introduced some home … Read More

Top Five Ways to Increase Home Care Sales in 2018

Home Care Sales

There’s a reason people make resolutions; a new year is a clean slate, a fresh opportunity to make the improvements necessary to reach your goals. For home care businesses, a new year is the perfect chance to improve your services, recruit better caregivers, and most of all, increase home care sales. In our ever-evolving and fiercely competitive industry, growing home … Read More