Translating SEO Terminology for Home Care Digital Marketing

According to industry data source Home Care Pulse, if your home care company has experienced growth, you are already using a combination of strong search engine optimization (SEO) and pay-per-click (PPC) tactics as part of your overall home care digital marketing strategy. Your digital marketing provider shares detailed reports with you monthly. The metrics seem meaningful. But can you easily … Read More

How to Get Consumers and Caregivers to Choose YOUR Home Care Company

Get Consumers and Caregivers to Choose YOUR Home Care Company

Do you remember the first time you fell in love – how your heart fluttered at the realization that you had perhaps found THE one? Wouldn’t it be great if you could emulate that level of response from your website visitors? As corny as it may sound, capturing the attention of your target audiences and maintaining their interest in what … Read More

Improve SEO for Home Care with These Expert Tips

“#Rank #1 – Guaranteed! Triple Your Website Traffic in 10 Days!”   If you’ve ever seen unrealistic SEO tactic promises such as these, run the other way, fast! Effective SEO for home care requires specific expertise and strategy – not false promises. Our team of elder care marketing and SEO experts has compiled the information you need to make the best decisions for … Read More

Home Care Marketing Solutions: Recruiting Through Marketing

In your planning for 2022, have you starting thinking through new strategies for that ever-important focus: effective recruiting tactics to bring in more caregivers? As part of our recommended home care marketing solutions, we encourage home care agency owners to incorporate some of the same digital marketing strategies used for attracting client and referral sources in recruiting efforts. Following are … Read More

Turbocharge Caregiver Recruitment Through a Marketing Lens

Turbocharge Caregiver Recruitment Through a Marketing Lens

There was a time in the not so distant past that home care agencies had distinctly different strategies for sales and marketing compared to staffing and recruitment. But in today’s hyper-competitive market, agencies need to be selling their employment opportunities to prospective caregivers just as much (or more so) than they are selling their services to prospective clients. As you … Read More

The Unexpected Key to Effective Home Care Leadership: Cognitive Humility

The Unexpected Key to Effective Home Care Leadership: Cognitive Humility

We live in a time of celebrating self-importance. Social media is bursting with filtered selfies and stories of successes that drive digital pats on the back. While there’s certainly nothing wrong with a healthy dose of self-confidence, we may be losing sight of something that’s even healthier for us, especially in home care leadership: humility. Cognitive humility is, in fact, … Read More

Finish the Year With Strong Case Manager Relationships

Finish the Year With Strong Case Manager Relationships

As we near closer to the holidays, it is a good time to think about how you want to end your business year. Have you met your company goals for the year? Are there referral relationships that could use more attention? How can you gain momentum now to carry into the next year? Considering these questions will help you prepare … Read More

Word-of-Mouth Home Care Referrals Are Sizing Up Your Agency Online

Word-of-Mouth Home Care Referrals Are Sizing Up Your Agency Online

It wasn’t long ago that a recommendation from a doctor, social worker, discharge planner, friend or other trusted advisor was considered the equivalent of the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval, and consumers looked no further. Because these recommendations were given by trustworthy people within your network, their endorsement of a business was taken as assurance of a high-quality service. While … Read More

corecubed Brings Home the Gold, Silver, and Bronze with 6 New Aster Awards

corecubed brings home the gold, silver and bronze with 6 new Aster Awards

The Aster Awards are well known for recognizing the nation’s top healthcare marketing professionals for outstanding excellence. We were thrilled to earn six of these elite awards in 2021 for our clients: 24/7 Idaho Home Care’s Website: Gold Dakota Home Care’s Nursing Care Brochure: Gold Endeavor In-Home Care’s Social Media Ad: Gold Dakota Home Care’s Logo and Letterhead: Silver JFS … Read More

Is Your Home Care Marketing HIPAA Compliant?

Is Your Home Care HIPAA Compliant?

If you’ve been in the home care or healthcare field for any length of time, you’re undoubtably familiar with HIPAA – the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996. HIPAA set national standards for how to protect patients and their private health information. As employers in the home care industry, most understand that HIPAA covers information that would be … Read More

The Way We Talk About Aging is Changing

The Way We Talk About Aging Is Changing

The way we talk about diverse groups of people is changing more and more each day, including how we write, speak, and think about the older adult population. Unfortunately, in the United States, ageism is rampant in the media and many commercials, TV shows, magazines, and movies often portray stereotypes of older adults as forgetful and without any capacity to … Read More

Protect Your Home Care Website from Image Copyright Infringement

Protect Your Home Care Website from Image Copyright Infringement

Ideally, your website contains well‑written, helpful content, a user‑friendly navigation, and of course, eye‑catching images. But are those pictures of cheerful caregivers and happy seniors YOUR images, or could you be at risk for copyright infringement? If you didn’t personally design your agency’s website and/or take the photos or create the illustrations used on your site, there’s some important information … Read More

What Apple’s iOS14.5 Means for Marketing Home Care Ads on Facebook

If you’re an iPhone user, chances are that by now you’ve received a notification or heard about Apple’s latest update, iOS14.5, which was released in late April after several weeks of anticipation from the digital marketing communities. While iOS14.5 prioritizes helpful new ways to experience some of the iPhone’s most popular applications and features, the spotlight has shone brightly on … Read More

Increase Client Conversion Rates in Home Care Advertising with Warm Messaging

Imagine yourself walking into a bank. Your heels tap across the tile floor, echoing with each step. You approach the teller, shielded from you by thick, bulletproof plexiglass. You explain the transaction and slip your paperwork across the cavernous countertop, along with the appropriate ID. The interaction is completed in a transactional manner, and you’re on your way. Now contrast … Read More

Using Google Ads to Market Home Care

Using Google Ads to Market Home Care

Type any inquiry into Google and you will be instantly inundated with thousands of search results. The goal for any business is to be found by potential customers by appearing as high as possible in search results. For home care companies, this pairs consumers actively looking for home care with agencies that offer those services. In this competitive industry, how … Read More

Trust Marks: How to Market A Home Care Agency With Confidence

Trust Marks: Signals That Build Confidence in Your Home Care Agency

When searching for care for a loved one, consumers are faced with myriad choices. And when it comes to how to market a home care agency, agencies are faced with similar questions. With service offerings that seem similar across providers, how does a home care agency stand out from competitors and provide consumers with confidence that the highest standards are … Read More

Top 5 Dos and Don’ts of Home Care Email Marketing

With fewer opportunities to connect face-to-face because of the pandemic, it’s crucial for home care agencies to put their best digital foot forward in marketing to seniors and their family members. If you’re wondering how to do elder care marketing online, be sure not to overlook a fundamental digital marketing strategy that plays a crucial role in your agency’s ability … Read More

Porch Visits in a Pandemic: Lessons Learned at the Feet of the Elderly

Porch Visit in a Pandemic

At corecubed, we’re not just your aging care marketing partner; we share your passion for changing the face of aging, for honoring our elders, and for striving to enhance quality of life for those who have spent a lifetime enhancing ours. Of course, this is easier said than done on a typical day in a typical world, but throw in … Read More

10 Must-Reads for Anyone Who Works in Senior Home Care

While it looks totally different this year, September still heralds the start of the school year and a season that we associate with learning. To that end, we want to share some reading recommendations from some of our team members and senior home care agency clients – books that have helped shape and elevate their views of older adults, advanced … Read More

Our Latest Senior Home Care Marketing Awards: Helping Our Clients Shine

We’re delighted to announce our recent winning of 12 National Mature Media Awards℠, honoring the nation’s best marketing, communications, educational materials, and programs for older adults.  Winners were chosen by a distinguished panel of judges from across the U.S. who hold years of experience and expertise in the mature market industry. Gold Award recipients (including corecubed) represent the top five percent … Read More

Sizing Up the Competition and Assessing Your Agency’s Weaknesses

In the competitive world of home care, successful agencies must stand out in the expanding senior care market and offer not only a superior care experience but a stellar first impression to win the business in the first place.  But how do you know if every inquiry that comes into your agency is being handled with a first-rate level of care? And, how can you accurately set the bar for excellence if you don’t know what competitors are offering?   One of … Read More

Selling in Place: Strengthening Relationships During the COVID-19 Crisis

Selling in Place: Strengthening Relationships During COVID-19

COVID-19 has reshaped the world as we know it. We are all moving forward together under unprecedented circumstances, navigating a landscape that changes daily, and practicing social distancing to flatten the curve. While this is a time of adjustment for everyone, there are crucial steps your home care agency sales and outreach team can take now to strengthen key relationships, … Read More

Home Care Nation: Will Your Agency Get the First Impression Rose?

home care first impression

Whether you’ve been part of Bachelor Nation since the show launched 19 years ago, you’re relatively new to The Bachelor craze, you’ve never seen the show at all, or can’t stand it, there’s some wisdom home care agencies can glean about making the best first impression and standing out from the competition. In the show, contestants pull out all the … Read More

Improve Your Home Care Inquiry Management Process in 2020 with These Tips!

inquiry management

We either embrace them or avoid them, but whatever we think about New Year’s resolutions, January provides home care businesses with an opportunity to learn from mistakes made in the previous year and plan for improvements in the year ahead. In particular, it’s the perfect opportunity to ensure your agency is handling the influx of home care inquiry calls typically … Read More