Navigating Online Reviews to Build Care Marketing Momentum

Navigating Online Reviews to Build Care Marketing Momentum

  Effective care marketing requires you to put yourself in the shoes of your target audience. If you’ve never role-played the part of someone seeking care services, take a moment to imagine how they might feel. They are likely experiencing a sense of urgency, uncertainty, and overwhelm. Most people in this situation start by exploring two avenues: personal recommendations from … Read More

Care Companies: If Asking for Online Reviews Frightens You, Read This!

Care Companies: If Asking for Online Reviews Frightens You, Read This!

Does asking for online reviews of your care company strike fear in your heart? Are you afraid you’ll be shocked by a negative review and not know how to respond? Online reviews don’t have to cause a fright. At corecubed, we’ve seen it all—the good, bad, and ugly of reviews—from consumers and caregivers alike. We’ve also helped hundreds of care … Read More

Sprinkle Some Pixel Dust on Your Facebook Marketing

Sprinkle Some Pixel Dust on Your Facebook Marketing

Social media marketing offers home care agencies numerous benefits. Businesses can reach online users in new and innovative ways, and they have the ability to test ads, track data, and refine their marketing efforts for better results and for a lower cost than running Google ads. However, when agencies advertise on Facebook, there is one tool that is often overlooked … Read More

Applying What Aristotle Knew About Persuasion to Home Care Sales

Applying What Aristotle Knew About Persuasion to Home Care Sales

The home care industry is crowded and consumers have many options when it comes to finding care for a loved one. In home care sales, persuasion is a critical skill for gaining new clients. But persuasion is more than rehearsed responses to inquiry questions. Persuasion is about building trust with potential clients and referral sources, identifying the values of your … Read More

SEO + Online Reviews = The Perfect Pairing for Marketing to Older Adults

SEO + Online Reviews = The Perfect Pairing for Elder Care Marketing

For almost a year, we all have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, individuals and businesses alike. For home care agencies, it’s meant rapidly adapting to new protocols to ensure the safety of clients and caregivers, and a complete turnaround in marketing to older adults and their family members during a time of social distancing and isolation. Though the importance … Read More

Trust Marks: How to Market A Home Care Agency With Confidence

Trust Marks: Signals That Build Confidence in Your Home Care Agency

When searching for care for a loved one, consumers are faced with myriad choices. And when it comes to how to market a home care agency, agencies are faced with similar questions. With service offerings that seem similar across providers, how does a home care agency stand out from competitors and provide consumers with confidence that the highest standards are … Read More

Extra, Extra, Read All About It! Gain Community Trust Through PR

home care pr

In an industry like aging care, consumers typically don’t give a thought to such a service until the need arises – and when it does, it’s often a crisis situation that leaves them feeling overwhelmed and unsure where to turn. Trust is paramount, and most effectively gained through third party endorsement: referrals from friends and family, online reviews, and something many … Read More

Build a Bounty of Good Reviews for Your Home Care Agency

Home Care Reviews

As we swing into the holiday season, it’s common for an overpowering sense of giving to sweep over us, whether we’re shopping for gifts or simply giving thanks for life’s blessings. It’s a great time to reflect on the things that have brought us joy, but for home care agency owners, it’s also a good time to appreciate something that … Read More