Moving your website to a new web host is sometimes necessary to get the security, bandwidth, and service you need. In many ways, switching servers is a lot like moving into a new house: there are things you need to pack up and secure before the big move, or else you’re going to break some dishes. (Or in the case … Read More
What You Need to Know About the New GDPR Rules
You may have noticed that many websites you’ve visited in the past couple of months have been positively screaming at you about their new privacy policies. The new General Data Protection Regulation, or GDPR, is a huge overhaul of privacy on the web laid out over the course of a 261-page document. At its core, GDPR is a new set … Read More
4 Tips to Keep Your Home Care Website Intact and Unhacked
Recently, one of our own websites received 116 attack attempts from a foreign country within a 10-minute time period, and unfortunately, that’s nothing unusual, with hundreds of thousands of hacking attempts made every single day to unsuspecting small businesses. And all you have to do is scroll through the news to learn of yet another cybersecurity threat – from voter … Read More
Resolve to Run a Smarter Home Care Website This Year
Find out why you should make running a smarter home care website one of your 2017 resolutions.
Are You Locked Out of Your Own Home Care Website?
Have you been locked out of your own website and/or social media accounts? Find out why having full access to your digital property is so important.
Website Security Best Practices: Keep Your Site Safe from Hacks
Interested in keeping your website safe from hackers? Check out these top tips and best practices from the corecubed team.
When It Ain’t Broke, You Still Have to Fix It!
Are you making sure the windows are washed on your digital storefront? Read on to find out why keeping your website well maintained and up to date is part of doing business online.
WordPress Sites Under Brute Force Attacks! Protect Yourself With Regular Maintenance!
WordPress websites are facing a new hacking risk! Find out how to protect your site and keep it well maintained and backed up in our latest blog.
Your Website Needs a Mechanic Too
How are your car and your website similar? Find out in our latest blog post.
Better Password Management
Creating strong passwords for all your online accounts is a must! But what can you do to help you remember all of them? Web Master Will has a great tip to help you keep all your passwords secure and in order.
Prevention Equals Protection: Keeping Home Care Agencies Safe Online
Web security is a hot topic lately, and home care agencies, along with other small businesses that lack a dedicated IT staff, are finding themselves at a significant disadvantage when it comes to staying up-to-date on their site's security. Our latest blog discusses some of the steps that all businesses should be taking in order to reduce risk and thwart hacks.
Lock Down Your Passwords for Better Protection
Make life harder for hackers and easier for you! Keep your online accounts safe and secure with stronger passwords. Read on to find out the best way to create a stronger password.
Buyer’s Remorse: The High Cost of a Cheap Website
We all know the old saying, “You get what you pay for.” And the same is true when you bargain hunt for a website. Read our latest blog to discover the high cost of a cheap site.
Let’s Talk Website Security!
If there is one constant about the digital age in which we live, it's that everything is always changing. As cliché as that may sound, it is absolutely true, and it carries with it the need to stay informed, up-to-date, and on top of things as best you can. Find out about the recent WordPress hacks and how you can avoid gaps in security on your website in our latest blog.
WordPress 3.3.1 has been released – Update Now
WordPress 3.3.1 was released in order to patch a security vulnerability that was discovered in version 3.3. What does this mean to you?
If you have a website that runs on WordPress, you need to update it as soon as possible.
Holiday Mobile Sales Go Up and So Should Your Security
Online holiday sales reached record heights this season. Find out what that means for your website's security in our latest blog.
Staying Up-To-Date to Stay Secure
If there is one constant about the Digital Age, it's that everything is always changing. As cliché as that may sound, it is absolutely true, and it carries with it the need to stay informed, up-to-date, and on top of things as best you can. This is especially true for staying secure on the Internet frontier. Read on to find out how corecubed can help you stay current with your web applications.
Email: Privacy & Security Considerations
Before you click Send, read this! Email poses problems regarding private and secure information for you and your company. A technology that has become engrained in our daily lives is still an imperfect technology, and there are several points to consider before sending out your next message.
Your Browser is your Window to the Web. Are you Getting the Best View?
Your browser is your window to the web. Learn about different web browsers and discover what you may be missing out on while surfing the web.
Tips And Tricks to Keep Your Computer Nightmares at a Minimum
Today's computer threats have the potential to cause irreperable harm to your hardware and your data, and your business can lose countless dollars with the accompanying downtime. Here are several quick and easy tips for making your computer and your data safer in today's volitile online environment.