How to Rev Up Visibility of Your Home Care Website

website visibility

There are two questions we receive regularly from home care agency owners:  “How can I attract more customers online?” and “How can I attract more caregivers online?”   In this internet-driven world, the answer comes down to two key factors: the quality of your website, and whether or not searchers can find it.   With so many home care agencies vying for the top spot in search results, it’s imperative to understand why content is so important and why it needs to … Read More

SEO and PPC: How Home Care Agencies Are Using Search Strategies to Soar

For the longest time, home care agencies have focused mainly on print and direct mail advertising strategies to generate new business. While these traditional techniques are important and still bring value, many home care agencies are mixing up their overall marketing strategies by implementing SEO (search engine optimization) and PPC (pay-per-click). Using both SEO and PPC home care ads can … Read More

What You Need to Know About the New GDPR Rules

home health care website design graphic

You may have noticed that many websites you’ve visited in the past couple of months have been positively screaming at you about their new privacy policies. The new General Data Protection Regulation, or GDPR, is a huge overhaul of privacy on the web laid out over the course of a 261-page document. At its core, GDPR is a new set … Read More

Save Your Analytics from the Bot Invasion!

Website Analytics

The robot invasion has begun…just maybe not in the way that sci-fi movies would lead you to believe. Learn how to protect your website from spam bots in our latest blog post.

Better Password Management


Creating strong passwords for all your online accounts is a must! But what can you do to help you remember all of them? Web Master Will has a great tip to help you keep all your passwords secure and in order.

Winning Pinning Strategies for Pinterest

Pinterest Marketing

Still trying to figure out how to saddle the new social media stallion called Pinterest? Check out these simple marketing strategies for best results.

Where Do Your Marketing Dollars Go?

Marketing Budget

Marketing has changed dramatically from the days of print ads, but some business owners are reluctant to change with it. Take a look at how to adjust the way you budget your marketing and still get the best bang for your buck!

Prevention Equals Protection: Keeping Home Care Agencies Safe Online

Safe Online

Web security is a hot topic lately, and home care agencies, along with other small businesses that lack a dedicated IT staff, are finding themselves at a significant disadvantage when it comes to staying up-to-date on their site's security. Our latest blog discusses some of the steps that all businesses should be taking in order to reduce risk and thwart hacks.

Let’s Talk Website Security!

If there is one constant about the digital age in which we live, it's that everything is always changing. As cliché as that may sound, it is absolutely true, and it carries with it the need to stay informed, up-to-date, and on top of things as best you can. Find out about the recent WordPress hacks and how you can avoid gaps in security on your website in our latest blog.

Click Here to Win Millions of Dollars!

Falling prey to Internet scams isn't a thing of the past. People lose money or have their information hacked every day thanks to scammers. Our latest blog lists some tips on how to stay alert and stay safe online.

Best Place to Learn about Mobile Marketing and Advertising

Mobile marketing and advertising have taken off faster than a speeding bullet, faster than a New York minute, faster than a bee-stung stallion, faster than cable TV advertising in the ‘80s or Internet advertising 10 years ago. Read our latest blog to find out more about this fast moving trend and how corecubed can help your company.


How Do You Measure Success?


Measuring the return on investment (ROI) of an Internet marketing campaign can be difficult. Read on for a few tips on how to gauge the success of your online campaigns.