Set the Table for Improved Caregiver Recruitment and Retention

Set the Table for Improved Caregiver Recruitment and Retention

Much of home care marketing involves using content to showcase how your agency helps seniors and family caregivers in need of support at home. After all, targeting clients is essential for a growing business. Agencies should nurture and give thanks throughout the year for new leads and existing clients alike. However, as we think about being thankful this time of … Read More

Care Companies: If Asking for Online Reviews Frightens You, Read This!

Care Companies: If Asking for Online Reviews Frightens You, Read This!

Does asking for online reviews of your care company strike fear in your heart? Are you afraid you’ll be shocked by a negative review and not know how to respond? Online reviews don’t have to cause a fright. At corecubed, we’ve seen it all—the good, bad, and ugly of reviews—from consumers and caregivers alike. We’ve also helped hundreds of care … Read More

Want to Bring in Additional Private Duty Business? Do This!

Want to Bring in Additional Private Duty Business? Do This!

In today’s highly competitive home care market, running a profitable home care agency requires multiple lines of business and revenue streams. Many successful home care company owners have found that they can achieve this by accepting long term care insurance (LTCI) and VA benefits. These two revenue streams come with more cost flexibility than other contractual streams of revenue. With … Read More

The #1 Overlooked Strategy to Drive a Steady Stream of Care Business

The #1 Overlooked Strategy to Drive a Steady Stream of Care Business

When hours are trending up, referrals are coming in at a higher rate than customer attrition, and revenue is steadily increasing, it’s tempting to coast on referral partner relationships. But is that sustainable long-term? Or is it possible that you could be just one review away from losing a stable referral source? One surefire way to mitigate risk and avoid … Read More

Three Big Mistakes Home Care Owners Make and How to Avoid Them

Three Big Mistakes Home Care Owners Make and How to Avoid Them

A while ago, I was browsing a home care Facebook group. Somebody asked the pros and cons of starting a home care agency. Everybody mentioned challenges like recruitment as cons, but one comment was particularly on the nose. “You will work all the time. Nonstop. 24/7/365,” one commenter responded. They’re only right in some cases, but they hit on a … Read More

Homecare Marketing Tips: Don’t Overlook These New Hire Retention Tools

two ladies shaking hands after interview

Guest blog post by Sterling Miles of Caregiver Jobs San Diego You have put out a great job posting. Now the applications are rolling in. It appears as though your work is completed. But is it? Receiving a large number of applications from a job posting is excellent. There is an exciting possibility in knowing that there are many qualified … Read More

Listen and Learn: Benefits of Recording Your Inquiry Calls

Listen and Learn: Benefits of Recording Your Inquiry Calls

“This call may be recorded for quality and training purposes.” It’s a line we’ve all heard when on hold with customer service. In fact, we’ve heard it so much that we may never have thought twice about what it actually means for a company. But recording inquiry calls can reveal a wealth of valuable information. Is your company listening in … Read More

How to Communicate Your Agency’s Brand Message

How to Communicate Your Agency’s Brand Message banner

Your brand messaging defines your home care company. It gives consumers a gut feeling about what your company believes in and stands for. It is the specific values and benefits that your company promises that causes consumers and job seekers align with your company instead of the competition. It’s critical to do the hard work of developing your brand messaging, … Read More

corecubed Wins 9 Aster Awards for Excellence in Healthcare Advertising

corecubed Wins 9 Aster Awards for Excellence in Healthcare Advertising

For the past 20 years, the Aster Awards have been recognizing the country’s leading marketing professionals for outstanding excellence in healthcare advertising. We are delighted to announce our achievement of earning nine of these coveted awards in 2022 for our clients: Abrio Home Care’s Website: Gold Award Abrio Home Care’s Logo: Gold Award At Home Independent Living’s Brochure: Bronze Award … Read More

Create a Home Care Website that Generates More Calls

Create a Home Care Website that Generates More Calls

Whether you’re in need of your first-ever home care website or your existing one needs to be retired, these strategies will help you achieve your ultimate goal: attract new clients and caregivers and encourage them to start a conversation with your home care company. Visually Appeal to Your Ideal Customers Visual appeal is crucial. Research shows that you have just … Read More

Grow Your Senior Care Agency With Facebook

Grow Your Senior Care Agency With Facebook

The quantity of social media platforms today can feel overwhelming, particularly to small businesses. There is a seemingly constant guessing game of which platforms your business should be on and how to best use them to grow your senior care agency. To be successful in social media marketing, however, you don’t need to be doing everything everywhere all at once. … Read More

3 Competitive Home Health Care Sales and Marketing Trends You Can’t Afford to Miss

2022 HCP Benchmarking Report

Home care agencies all around North America have revamped their sales and marketing strategies to fit the post-pandemic home care landscape—are you behind? Be the first to know about the latest 2022 trends. Home care agencies are doing better than they have been for the last 4 years. Agencies experienced a 7.3% client increase on average last year, surpassing the … Read More

Translating SEO Terminology for Home Care Digital Marketing

According to industry data source Home Care Pulse, if your home care company has experienced growth, you are already using a combination of strong search engine optimization (SEO) and pay-per-click (PPC) tactics as part of your overall home care digital marketing strategy. Your digital marketing provider shares detailed reports with you monthly. The metrics seem meaningful. But can you easily … Read More

Weed Out Inquiry Management Problems and Watch Your Home Care Sales Grow

Weed Out Inquiry Management Problems and Watch Your Home Care Sales Grow

With spring just around the bend, our thoughts are turning to growth. Flower beds bursting with color. Gardens filled with sprouts. All things that seem so natural, but require time and effort on the part of the gardener. Much like gardeners, home care agency owners and operators sow a lot of time and effort into marketing and home care sales … Read More

How to Get Consumers and Caregivers to Choose YOUR Home Care Company

Get Consumers and Caregivers to Choose YOUR Home Care Company

Do you remember the first time you fell in love – how your heart fluttered at the realization that you had perhaps found THE one? Wouldn’t it be great if you could emulate that level of response from your website visitors? As corny as it may sound, capturing the attention of your target audiences and maintaining their interest in what … Read More

How to Write Caregiver Job Ads That Bring in More Applicants

There is not a home care agency in the country that isn’t feeling the current employment crisis. The hyper competitive caregiver job market means agencies are spending more time and resources to recruit and hire caregivers to meet client demand. So, how do you make sure that the time, effort and money you spend, in particular on caregiver job ads, … Read More

Improve SEO for Home Care with These Expert Tips

“#Rank #1 – Guaranteed! Triple Your Website Traffic in 10 Days!”   If you’ve ever seen unrealistic SEO tactic promises such as these, run the other way, fast! Effective SEO for home care requires specific expertise and strategy – not false promises. Our team of elder care marketing and SEO experts has compiled the information you need to make the best decisions for … Read More

Home Care Marketing Solutions: Recruiting Through Marketing

In your planning for 2022, have you starting thinking through new strategies for that ever-important focus: effective recruiting tactics to bring in more caregivers? As part of our recommended home care marketing solutions, we encourage home care agency owners to incorporate some of the same digital marketing strategies used for attracting client and referral sources in recruiting efforts. Following are … Read More

Turbocharge Caregiver Recruitment Through a Marketing Lens

Turbocharge Caregiver Recruitment Through a Marketing Lens

There was a time in the not so distant past that home care agencies had distinctly different strategies for sales and marketing compared to staffing and recruitment. But in today’s hyper-competitive market, agencies need to be selling their employment opportunities to prospective caregivers just as much (or more so) than they are selling their services to prospective clients. As you … Read More

The Unexpected Key to Effective Home Care Leadership: Cognitive Humility

The Unexpected Key to Effective Home Care Leadership: Cognitive Humility

We live in a time of celebrating self-importance. Social media is bursting with filtered selfies and stories of successes that drive digital pats on the back. While there’s certainly nothing wrong with a healthy dose of self-confidence, we may be losing sight of something that’s even healthier for us, especially in home care leadership: humility. Cognitive humility is, in fact, … Read More

Finish the Year With Strong Case Manager Relationships

Finish the Year With Strong Case Manager Relationships

As we near closer to the holidays, it is a good time to think about how you want to end your business year. Have you met your company goals for the year? Are there referral relationships that could use more attention? How can you gain momentum now to carry into the next year? Considering these questions will help you prepare … Read More

Sprinkle Some Pixel Dust on Your Facebook Marketing

Sprinkle Some Pixel Dust on Your Facebook Marketing

Social media marketing offers home care agencies numerous benefits. Businesses can reach online users in new and innovative ways, and they have the ability to test ads, track data, and refine their marketing efforts for better results and for a lower cost than running Google ads. However, when agencies advertise on Facebook, there is one tool that is often overlooked … Read More

Word-of-Mouth Home Care Referrals Are Sizing Up Your Agency Online

Word-of-Mouth Home Care Referrals Are Sizing Up Your Agency Online

It wasn’t long ago that a recommendation from a doctor, social worker, discharge planner, friend or other trusted advisor was considered the equivalent of the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval, and consumers looked no further. Because these recommendations were given by trustworthy people within your network, their endorsement of a business was taken as assurance of a high-quality service. While … Read More

corecubed Brings Home the Gold, Silver, and Bronze with 6 New Aster Awards

corecubed brings home the gold, silver and bronze with 6 new Aster Awards

The Aster Awards are well known for recognizing the nation’s top healthcare marketing professionals for outstanding excellence. We were thrilled to earn six of these elite awards in 2021 for our clients: 24/7 Idaho Home Care’s Website: Gold Dakota Home Care’s Nursing Care Brochure: Gold Endeavor In-Home Care’s Social Media Ad: Gold Dakota Home Care’s Logo and Letterhead: Silver JFS … Read More

Is Your Home Care Marketing HIPAA Compliant?

Is Your Home Care HIPAA Compliant?

If you’ve been in the home care or healthcare field for any length of time, you’re undoubtably familiar with HIPAA – the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996. HIPAA set national standards for how to protect patients and their private health information. As employers in the home care industry, most understand that HIPAA covers information that would be … Read More