5 Common Myths about WordPress

If you think WordPress is only for blogging, or that it somehow limits what you can do with your website, read how we debunk the 5 common myths about WordPress.

Blogging for Business

A business blog can provide a significant boost to your website by improving traffic and search engine rankings.  Here are a few quick tips for turning your business blog into a powerful marketing tool.

Call to Action Buttons

Call to action buttons

More than just visual elements, call to action buttons are actually designed with a strategy in mind.  When thought through properly, they can lead to more user clicks which in turn can lead to more sales, signups or other actions on your website.

Does your company need a social media policy?

Social media mishaps happen all the time.  Who hasn't said something on Twitter or posted a status on Facebook that they later regretted?  What is being said about your company on social media sites can be much more damaging.

Consistency in Design

You have a great website, stunning email campaigns, billboards all around town and a killer brochure…but they all look very different. Are these mismatched marketing tools hindering their effectiveness? I say, “Yes they are!” And here is why.

Branding In The Nude

When it comes to branding, it’s important to bare it all. Find out how “branding in the nude” can create customer loyalty.

Why a CMS can make your life easier

Managing your website content can be quite easy, given that the right tools are in place from the start.

I’ve got five reasons why building your website with a CMS can help you sleep better at night and put a few dollars back in your pocket.

Tweet me! Link me in. Help….Yelp!

Does this sound inviting? It is “Social Networking”, something that is considered in today’s world a solid component for any marketing strategy. Pencil me in for some networking right now.

Looking for a quick way to safely build your email contact list?

Just like there is no one silver bullet to marketing success, there is no magic bullet when it comes to building an email contact list. The goal is to avoid SPAM and to get those customers or potential customers to open, read, link to your site and then buy! Some simple steps for success are at your fingertips. 

Make your website a billboard on a superhighway

Successful marketing in 2010 is so far different from what was traditionally taught as marketing and the key is the web. Take a look at that business website if it was designed more than two years ago, and get on the internet marketing bandwagon for success.

1 square, 2 square, 3 square, FOURSQUARE! Unlock the power of location marketing

Foursquare location marketing

Foursquare? Hopscotch? Playground games for those of us who grew up, ahem, before the millennial generation.  For those of us reminiscing about drawing those four boxes in chalk on the blacktop, get ready to redirect your synapses!  The power of location marketing via applications like Foursquare is driving social media marketing to new heights. How can you get in the game? 

Game Changers: Finding Ways to Make New Rules

Game Changers

How does a small business compete when all the odds are stacked against them?  Larger companies with more purhasing power, more staff, and greater marketing budgets can present a huge obstacle when trying to get ahead.  Change the rules of the game to make yourself competetive!

Tips And Tricks to Keep Your Computer Nightmares at a Minimum

computer nightmares

Today's computer threats have the potential to cause irreperable harm to your hardware and your data, and your business can lose countless dollars with the accompanying downtime.  Here are several quick and easy tips for making your computer and your data safer in today's volitile online environment.

Get Busy Cooking When the Opportunity Presents

strong foundation

Gardening requires fertile ground, knowledge of your plants, and lots of patience.  corecubed Creative Director Tammy Brown looks at gardening as a metaphor for successful marketing and discusses what goes into creating a bountiful harvest that translates into sales.

Grabbing the Spotlight

Grabbing the Spotlight

You’ve got a great product and a fantastic story to tell. You know who your customer is and you know exactly what you want to tell them about your company and why you are the obvious best choice in your industry. Now, how are you going to get them to sit up and take notice of you? You need focus the spotlight on your business so that your client can find you easily in the crowded marketplace.

Storytelling as a Marketing Device

Does your marketing and branding reflect the story of your small business?  The public face that you give your company can offer rich details and background that intrigue your target market and draw more business to your organization.