Inbound and Outbound Marketing: A Perfect Marriage

Outbound Marketing

Want more clients knocking at your door? Read our latest blog and check out our awesome inbound marketing infographic to find out how this popular marketing trend can bring potential clients knocking.

‘Winning!’ Marketing Strategy: Social media

Charlie Sheen isn't the only one “winning” these days. If you've done your research and have a solid set of goals, your company can win in social media, too! Check out our latest blog to find out more about how to get the winning touch.

Google Plus: The New Facebook

Google's new social networking site, Google+, is stirring up a lot of buzz online these days. In our latest blog, we give you a run down of some of the new network's features, what we like, and how we think Google+ could work for business profiles in the future.

I Don’t Have Time for Social Media

Social Media

I don’t have time for social media.  I bet you feel the same.  But at the same time, I can’t get enough of it.  Find out how to rule social media rather than allowing it to rule you.

Social Media & Small Business: Are You Social Enough?

How social is your company? With 50% of U.S. businesses using social media, it seems that the company that socializes is the one that gets the customer. Read on to find out how you can get moving with social media and how it can help your business.

Be Seen: Visualize Your Social Media Sites

A good social media campaign should not only be informative, but also visually dynamic. Photos and video can keep your fans and followers engaged and coing back to your sites. Read our latest blog for some cool gadgets that can help you add some visuals to your Facebook, Twitter, blog, etc.

How to Find Content for Your Social Media Accounts

Keeping up with multiple social media accounts—Facebook, Twitter, blogs—can be difficult when you're trying to come up with fresh relevant content each day for your followers, clients, and customers. However, the information you need is out there, you just need to know where to look. Read on to find some news ways to find content for your social media accounts.

How Do You Measure Success?


Measuring the return on investment (ROI) of an Internet marketing campaign can be difficult. Read on for a few tips on how to gauge the success of your online campaigns.

Better Business Blogging

business blog

Blogging isn’t just for hobbyists anymore! Business blogs are helping companies showcase themselves as industry experts one post at a time. Take a look at this blog about blogs to find out how blogging can benefit your business.

Socialize with the Best: Using Social Media to Showcase Accreditations

If you haven't already integrated social media into your marketing plan, we've got one more reason for you. With all the competition in the home care industry these days, how can you make your agency stand out in a crowded marketplace? Using social media to showcase your agency's accreditations can help draw the attention of potenial customers. Read on for more information about using social media to tout accreditations.

Powerhouse Press Releases: The Optimized Social Media Press Release

powerhouse press releases

In the days of yore, a press release was often long and heavily detailed, with an air of self-service. Fast forward to today and you’ll find an incredibly different sort of press release is swiftly becoming the norm. Without it, your company news and information may just get left in the dust of antiquity. Check out this blog posting to find out how to create a super-powered social media press release.

Does your company need a social media policy?

Social media mishaps happen all the time.  Who hasn't said something on Twitter or posted a status on Facebook that they later regretted?  What is being said about your company on social media sites can be much more damaging.

Tweet me! Link me in. Help….Yelp!

Does this sound inviting? It is “Social Networking”, something that is considered in today’s world a solid component for any marketing strategy. Pencil me in for some networking right now.

1 square, 2 square, 3 square, FOURSQUARE! Unlock the power of location marketing

Foursquare? Hopscotch? Playground games for those of us who grew up, ahem, before the millennial generation.  For those of us reminiscing about drawing those four boxes in chalk on the blacktop, get ready to redirect your synapses!  The power of location marketing via applications like Foursquare is driving social media marketing to new heights. How can you get in the game? 

Grabbing the Spotlight

Grabbing the Spotlight

You’ve got a great product and a fantastic story to tell. You know who your customer is and you know exactly what you want to tell them about your company and why you are the obvious best choice in your industry. Now, how are you going to get them to sit up and take notice of you? You need focus the spotlight on your business so that your client can find you easily in the crowded marketplace.

Gold Medal Homecare Marketing Strategy: Social Media

If you think about it, learning how to beat the competition as an athlete is not unlike learning how to outshine the competition in social media marketing. For the same reason an athlete determined to take home the gold wouldn't just jump into the competition without a strategy for winning, companies shouldn't jump into social media marketing without a strategy in place for winning. After all, you create goals and strategies for other aspects of your marketing campaigns – why should social media marketing be any different?

Marketing Is a Two-Way Street

In the good ole' days, marketing used to be one-way messaging. Simple stuff. You have a product or service and you tell folks about it. Now, with the advent of social media, marketing is becoming two-way – customers finding YOU when they are seeking products or services. And they are not quiet about the experience.

Marketers, however, are the guardians of a company's brand. So how do you walk the two-way street of social media marketing, keep the brand intact, and use new technology to your benefit?