Social Media & Small Business: Are You Social Enough?

Remember when Facebook and Twitter were just for getting in touch with old friends? No seriously, that’s the way things used to be. In the last year, however, social media use has been on the rise among U.S. companies. In fact, 50% of U.S. businesses use social media sites like Facebook and Twitter to engage, connect, and inform their customers. Are you one of them?

Social media has helped large and small businesses insert themselves into new markets that they have previously been unable to tap into. However, despite its popularity, many people are still wary of or unsure how to put their company out there. The trick isn’t difficult or complicated and you don’t need to have a presence on every social networking site—there are hundreds! If you’re getting your feet wet with social media, get to know the big 4—Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn & YouTube. You might find that not all of these sites meet the needs of your company, and that’s OK; just go with what works for you.

Social Time
Customers expect the companies they buy from to be social these days. Social media has let us into the behind-the-scenes lives of so many businesses that we tend to feel as though we are a part of them. We look to a company’s social media pages to learn more about them, grow a sense of trust with them, and eventually purchase something from them. (It also helps that many companies offer some pretty excellent giveaways to their followers!)

If you want to build strong social relationships with your customers, listen to what your fans and followers have to say online and answer their questions honestly and promptly. Participate in the great back-and-forth that social media is famous for by engaging your fans in meaningful conversations. And use the information that comes in as a way to improve your overall product and communication. In short, use your company’s personality as a way to make new friends and, ultimately, new customers.

Need help getting off the ground with your social media efforts? Contact our social media experts today!