It’s Not Just You. Your WordPress Website DID Recently Change!

home care marketing tools

If you’ve noticed something a little “off” with your WordPress website lately, the good news is it’s not a hack or virus and you’re not the only one. On December 6, 2018, WordPress Version 5.0 was released to the public. While the 5.0 release was initially supposed to come after the holidays in order to give companies a chance to … Read More

4 Tips to Keep Your Home Care Website Intact and Unhacked

home care website security

Recently, one of our own websites received 116 attack attempts from a foreign country within a 10-minute time period, and unfortunately, that’s nothing unusual, with hundreds of thousands of hacking attempts made every single day to unsuspecting small businesses. And all you have to do is scroll through the news to learn of yet another cybersecurity threat – from voter … Read More