The Critical Value of Caregiver Education: Is Your Team Training Enough?

The Critical Value of Caregiver Education: Is Your Team Training Enough?

As the desperate need for caregivers continues to plague care companies, it might be tempting to lower the bar regarding who you hire. Perhaps you’re accepting applicants with no formal caregiver education or experience to get as many employees in the door and assigned to clients as possible. Naturally, you’ll want to provide inexperienced caregivers with as much training as … Read More

5 Steps to Creating a Valuable Home Care Service

5 Steps to Creating a Valuable Home Care Service

  Whether you are a start-up home care business or your home care agency has been around for a few years but growth has been stagnant, here are five steps to creating a valuable service to help your agency thrive. 1. Listen, Don’t Assume Every business owner who wants to be successful should start at the beginning: listening to the … Read More

How to Tell if Your Agency Truly Values Caregivers

How to Tell if Your Agency Truly Values Caregivers

Guest blog by Connor Kunz of Careswitch Who’s the best leader you’ve worked for? One of the best CEOs I’ve ever worked for was Erik Madsen, CEO of Home Care Pulse from 2018-2021. We’ve both since moved on to other endeavors (me to Careswitch and him to local church service and entrepreneurship), but I learned a lot from him. He … Read More

Set the Table for Improved Caregiver Recruitment and Retention

Set the Table for Improved Caregiver Recruitment and Retention

Much of home care marketing involves using content to showcase how your agency helps seniors and family caregivers in need of support at home. After all, targeting clients is essential for a growing business. Agencies should nurture and give thanks throughout the year for new leads and existing clients alike. However, as we think about being thankful this time of … Read More

Homecare Marketing Tips: Don’t Overlook These New Hire Retention Tools

two ladies shaking hands after interview

Guest blog post by Sterling Miles of Caregiver Jobs San Diego You have put out a great job posting. Now the applications are rolling in. It appears as though your work is completed. But is it? Receiving a large number of applications from a job posting is excellent. There is an exciting possibility in knowing that there are many qualified … Read More

3 Competitive Home Health Care Sales and Marketing Trends You Can’t Afford to Miss

2022 HCP Benchmarking Report

Home care agencies all around North America have revamped their sales and marketing strategies to fit the post-pandemic home care landscape—are you behind? Be the first to know about the latest 2022 trends. Home care agencies are doing better than they have been for the last 4 years. Agencies experienced a 7.3% client increase on average last year, surpassing the … Read More

How to Write Caregiver Job Ads That Bring in More Applicants

There is not a home care agency in the country that isn’t feeling the current employment crisis. The hyper competitive caregiver job market means agencies are spending more time and resources to recruit and hire caregivers to meet client demand. So, how do you make sure that the time, effort and money you spend, in particular on caregiver job ads, … Read More

Home Care Marketing Solutions: Recruiting Through Marketing

In your planning for 2022, have you starting thinking through new strategies for that ever-important focus: effective recruiting tactics to bring in more caregivers? As part of our recommended home care marketing solutions, we encourage home care agency owners to incorporate some of the same digital marketing strategies used for attracting client and referral sources in recruiting efforts. Following are … Read More

Turbocharge Caregiver Recruitment Through a Marketing Lens

Turbocharge Caregiver Recruitment Through a Marketing Lens

There was a time in the not so distant past that home care agencies had distinctly different strategies for sales and marketing compared to staffing and recruitment. But in today’s hyper-competitive market, agencies need to be selling their employment opportunities to prospective caregivers just as much (or more so) than they are selling their services to prospective clients. As you … Read More

Creative Tactics to Overcome the Caregiver Shortage Hurdle

Creative Tactics to Overcome the Caregiver Shortage Hurdle

A shortage of quality caregivers is nothing new to home care agency owners. The stress and strain of implementing effective recruitment tactics paired with developing strategies to reduce caregiver turnover go hand in hand with the increasing need and desire for senior care at home. Yet as with so many other aspects of life, 2020 elevated the concerns to an … Read More