Time: 2:00pm – 3:00pm EDT
Take a deep dive into sales scripting — what to say, when, and how — with Shelle Womble, corecubed’s Home Care Sales and Operations Coach.
When a prospective customer calls your home care agency to ask about your services, do you have a sales methodology for effectively converting that call into a home assessment appointment and ultimately a closed sale? Are your staff trained to confidently lead the conversation and nurture that lead?
If the answer is “no” to these questions, your ‘dive’ into a sale may likely turn into a belly flop. Sign up for this webinar to learn how to implement sales scripting from the moment you say hello. Shelle will share how to use sales scripts without sounding like you’re reading from one, as well as five keys steps to a perfect execution. Let this webinar be the springboard you need to dive into better sales conversions.
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