Changes to Facebook Pages that You Need to Know

Facebook Pages Update

Changes to Facebook Pages that You Need to Know

Ah, social media – so addictive, so useful, so likely to change when you least expect it. Facebook has made some under-the-radar changes recently with regards to how users use pages.

A Facebook page is different from a Facebook profile in that personal profiles are for non-commercial use and represent individual people, whereas pages offer unique tools for businesses, brands and organizations. Pages are managed by people who have personal profiles and, until recently, you could use Facebook as a page, which would allow you to like, comment on, and share posts as your business or organization. However, things have changed.

You’ll now notice that the option to “Use Facebook As…” is no longer available, and that has been confusing a lot of people. To help you out, we put together a short video to show you how you can still like, comment, and share things on Facebook as your business page.

Click here to view the video:

We hope this video is helpful. If you have any questions regarding the new Facebook updates or how to more effectively use social media for your aging care business, please feel free to contact us at any time!