Customer Service Goes Social on Twitter

Customer Service Goes Social on Twitter

Customer service. We’ve all had our own nightmares with it in one way or another. A few days ago, I had an interesting experience in both the good and the bad sides. While having an issue with my Christmas present – one of those uber popular e-reader/tablet combos – I reached a point where I just had to contact customer service. Since I’m not a fan of sitting on the phone for hours listening to muzak, I opted for the company’s online chat service. Not the best move on my part. After roughly two hours, including having to start the conversation all over due to an accidentally closed chat window, I still hadn’t found a solution to my problem. Cut to the next day. I discovered a Twitter account for the e-reader devoted entirely to customer service. Five minutes later, I had my answer and my problem was solved!

So what does this have to do with marketing? Well, just when I had given up hope, the company completely redeemed itself with a superior customer service experience. And in the world of social media, no less.

Many companies are still looking for a compelling reason to use Twitter. Reaching out to customers in need in 140 characters is a quick and easy way to utilize social media, help clients, and gain respect for your brand at the same time. Hey, it worked for me.

Need help navigating Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn YouTube, etc.? corecubed has helped dozens of clients get started on their way to successful social media marketing. Contact us today.