WordPress 3.3.1 has been released – Update Now

WordPress 3.3.1 has been released - Update Now

On the heels of the latest major release two weeks ago, WordPress 3.3.1 was released today in order to patch a security vulnerability that was recently discovered, as well as to fix a few other bugs.  What does this mean to you?

If you have a website that runs on WordPress, you need to update it as soon as possible.

Hacked Websites

Unfortunately, websites do get hacked, and it can happen to even the most secure-minded companies out there. The worst kind of hack is what they call a “Drive by download.”  This is when your website is compromised, but it doesn’t appear that anything is different when you look at it. What’s going on is a hacker has implanted code in your website pages which tries to silently infect anyone visiting your website.

Another common attack is for a hacker to deface your website, which can be quite embarrasing and costly.

Back It Up

From hackers to failing hardware, there are many reasons you need to be backing up your website’s files and database. Ideally, you would be doing this daily or weekly, and storing your back up files somewhere other than your website. You never know when you might need a copy of everything to restore your website from. Whether it is hacked or someone accidentally deletes something they shouldn’t have, a full backup is crucial to have.

We Can Help

We here at corecubed have recently started offering a variety of WordPress maintenance packages which can help you get updated and secure. Let us help you upgrade WordPress, back up your files, and put measures in place to help you be able to quickly get back up and running in the event of a disaster or hack.

Learn more and sign up for a WordPress maintenance plan today!