Social Media Marketing is a Two-Way Street

Social Media Marketing
Social Media Marketing is a Two-Way Street

Marketing home health care has gone social and social media marketing is a two-way street.

How do you walk the two-way street of social media marketing and keep your brand intact, and use technology to your benefit?

Understand that Social Media Marketing is NOT Social Media Networking
For those who are jumping on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc., separate personal conversations from business. It’s possible to set up multiple accounts, so leave photos of the kids and that crazy friend from high school who just found you online for your personal account. Using social media for business is to respond to client issues and questions, and position your company to attract more customers.

Social Media is about Helping Search Engines Find Your Business
So how do you use Facebook, Twitter and your blog to boost search engine optimization (SEO)? Link and integrate posts so that folks who find something interesting you’ve said can find you on other social media platforms. SEO is a part of expanding your web and email marketing strategy.

Consumers seek products and services when they need or want them. So, having little snippets of what you are selling consistently “out there” where they can be found by a search is exactly what social media marketing is for. Social media makes your information more prevalent and allows for two-way communication with your audience.

Every social media account should be linked back to your website. Online activity is important when aiming to increase rankings in search engines, and by linking everything together, more activity is reflected. SEO is sort of like online popularity—the more popular you are within search engines, the more easily people can find you and ultimately lead to more business.

Branding IS Important, Even on Twitter
All messaging that is communicated to the world about your business should have a consistent look and feel. Social media sites allow branding; utilize these options to extend your brand while posting. And, remember that branding is not only your colors and logo, but what the public thinks about your company, so keep the message consistent as well.

Take a Partner Who Understands You
When it comes to marketing home health care in the social sphere, corecubed is ready to take you by the hand and lead you through social media best practices. We are experts at providing regular, monthly marketing communications. Our knowledge of social media marketing can yield rewarding results while steering you away from any pitfalls. Call corecubed today!