New Google “Flow Visualization” Product Offering—a Google Game-Changer

New Google “Flow Visualization” Product Offering—a Google Game-Changer

We all love it when a company actually listens to its customers and makes changes for improved performance. That’s exactly what Google did with the launch of “Flow Visualization,” and it’s been called a game-changer. Based on the need for clearer path analysis of website visitors, the tool is designed to improve and simplify the understanding of visitor traffic flow in graphical representations.  And, the representations are inspired by a graphic design that dates back to the 19th century. How cool is that?

What exactly does this Flow Visualization change mean for marketers? That you can now determine how engaged visitors are to your new promotion; know the rates at which people leave your messaging; improve the visitor experience by creating a more useful site; and with backward and forward visualizations, marketers can determine where to place content for optimum visibility—and so much more. Read this announcement from Google that describes the strides they’ve made.

While access to the new tool continues to roll out during the coming weeks, we are eager to read success stories from marketers. corecubed will always keep you posted about the latest industry developments.