Integrated Marketing: Channel Surfing for Better Results

Marketing Channels

Integrated Marketing: Channel Surfing for Better Results

We’ve all sat at home surfing through the TV channels while searching for something that grabs our attention, thinking, “How can there be hundreds of channels, yet nothing worth watching?” People surf the web much like they surf the television, so if your online marketing isn’t grabbing their attention, your company may risk being overlooked as nothing but so much flotsam and jetsam.

If you’re looking for an effective integrated marketing program, don’t surf past these channels:

  • Channel 1: The Communicator. Frequent, but not constant or pushy email communication, such as targeted newsletters and e-blasts, helps keep a brand fresh on the mind of current and potential customers. Use your mailing list to keep clients informed of happenings within your company or apprised of goings on within the industry. Above all, be relevant and always have a call to action linking back to your website, the hub of all your online marketing.
  • Channel 2: Law & Order: SEO. Search engine optimization (SEO) is extremely important when it comes to where your site ranks in search engines, and while optimizing keywords is slipping in SEO importance as Google’s algorithm continues to evolve, it is an important part of the SEO puzzle. Do your research to find out what keywords are the most popular for your topic or industry. The Google AdWords Keyword Tool is a good place to start. Raven is also a good tool for more in-depth SEO tracking. Make sure to also study SEO best practices to avoid outdated content tricks like keyword stuffing, as these tactics can actually have a negative effect on your rankings. Check out our other SEO blog posts for more information about this important, but often overwhelming topic.
  • Channel 3: So You Think You Can Socialize. Social media is impossible to ignore. It has become one of the best ways to reach out to and target audiences that might have been completely missed via traditional means. Well-maintained Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+ pages provide clients with the constant, updated flow of information to which they have become accustomed, and more and more consumers are also turning to social media for their customer service queries. Check out our social media blogs posts for more in-depth info on how to get your business moving on social media and stay ahead of the trends. Speaking of blogs, blogging is a great way to help your business be found online. A regularly updated, keyword-optimized blog with quality content will give your company a bump in search engine rankings while giving your clients helpful information on topics they care about.
  • Channel 4: Big Balance Theory. Content is king, but it all too often becomes a tyrant that overpowers and overwhelms visitors. Many small businesses make the do-it-yourself mistake of generating web content that loses readers quickly. But long paragraphs of text are too much for online readers to process, and too little content can hurt your search engine rankings. Creating effective and relevant web copy is all about balancing quantity and quality, and is best left to web content experts.

For a powerful integrated marketing plan, you NEED to watch these “shows”. But you don’t have to watch them alone. If you are thinking of creating a new marketing plan or revamping your existing one, contact the aging care marketing experts at corecubed today. We’ve helped dozens of clients tailor their websites and other Internet marketing activities into bustling hubs of information that people stick around for. We’d love to help you too!