How corecubed Clients Are Growing Home Care Sales with Customized Sales Training

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“I need marketing help!”

At corecubed, this is a plea we often hear from agencies of all sizes, and our home care marketing team has become renowned for providing a wide array of amazing marketing services and products to better market your home care business and get your agency more leads. But what’s happening once you get those leads? Is your sales team closing the deal, or are you losing momentum once your leads enter the sales funnel?

Just as corecubed has answered the call for home care marketing support, we’ve also developed custom home care sales solutions that can meet your agency’s unique needs. Although there are a variety of sales boot camps and prepackaged, one-size-fits-all options available, we believe instead that nothing compares to the customized approach that we offer. Here’s how it works.

The Initial Call

Our stellar sales coach, Shelle Womble, with her decades of home care sales expertise, responds to an agency’s request for sales assistance the way paramedics respond to a 911 emergency. Her passion for helping businesses achieve the next level of growth spurs her into action, talking at length with those in need of help to uncover the many layers of issues that lead to the need for help with sales: an agency’s operations, processes, staff skill sets and attitudes, and more.

The Process

After determining exactly what challenges an agency is facing, she’s able to skillfully piece together the best approach to overcome them. And she’s seen it all – from those with a seasoned team of salespeople who know what to do but need some kind of strategic approach, to agencies with a single staff member who feels uncomfortable with sales but has been placed in the position to sell.

Shelle prepares a personalized plan, that, once agreed upon, includes an onsite visit (varying in length from 2 to 4 days) in which she will conduct an intensive assessment, looking at every operational aspect of the agency and areas for growth. A typical site visit consists of:

  • Development of a CRM (contact database) to capture and track leads, relationships, and strategy
  • Thorough review of existing marketing, sales and operations of the business
  • A SWOT analysis with all team members and leadership
  • A DiSC® profile to determine personality and selling styles
  • Ride-along visits with sales staff to assess current selling strategies and to provide guidance and recommendations
  • And more

The Deliverable

Following the site visit, Shelle documents her findings in an extensive report for the agency, outlining her recommendations for improvement and growth. A debriefing call with leadership provides the opportunity for questions and clarification of the report, and to agree upon a level of continued sales support if desired.

Ongoing Support

While sales boot camps may provide motivation and great information, the person attending the boot camp is then left alone to execute. Often the excitement and energy to implement changes wanes, and there’s no accountability to actually move forward on the strategies learned.

With ongoing sales support, however, sales teams have actionable goals to work towards, and weekly sales calls to reinforce strategies learned and to hold team members accountable for follow-through. Again, all support is highly customized; for some agencies, a group call works well, while for others, individual calls to provide different levels of coaching is most effective.

With access to the agency’s CRM, Shelle reviews sales activities and coaches the team accordingly. It allows for on-the-job, real-time customized sales training, without disrupting business flow.

Case Study

Recently, Shelle has been working with a franchise owner in a large city, which has minimal staff tasked with sales. She went in to evaluate their sales skills, and rode along with sales staff to gauge their expertise in interacting with referral sources and customers. What she discovered was that while some staff members were highly seasoned in sales techniques, others would require quite a lot of training to develop their sales skills. She now works ongoing on a one-on-one basis with these individuals, coaching them through scenarios such as:

  • How to target specific referral sources
  • How to get past the gatekeeper
  • What to say on a sales call
  • How to determine if they’re even targeting the right referral sources

The agency now has an executable plan developed, with actionable items assigned to each person and progress monitored ongoing.

Ongoing home care sales support provides the same benefits as hiring a sales manager or strategist, while only engaging that support as needed and agreed upon. Typically, within six months after deploying a site visit and providing ongoing sales support, the agency has a great baseline and is able to show sustainable growth.

Want to learn more about our customized sales training? Contact us to share the struggles you’re facing and let her help take your agency to the next level!

