
Results-Driven New Website for Continuum

Websites, like computers and cell phones, need a good update every now and then to make sure they look modern and function like other modern sites. When long-time corecubed client Continuum of St. Louis needed to revamp their website, they looked to our home care marketing team for help. Our home care content marketers and designers rewrote the web text, redesigned the layout and navigation, and curated images for their beautiful new website. We also served as project managers to ensure our web design partner knew what Continuum’s needs and wants were for the site and to ensure the project moved quickly and smoothly from start to finish.

[x_button shape=”rounded” size=”small” float=”none” href=”http://www.continuumcare.com” target=”blank” info=”none” info_place=”top” info_trigger=”hover”]Visit Website[/x_button]


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