Best Practices: Your Time Is Valuable

Home Care Best Practices: Your Time Is Valuable

Most home care agencies understand the value of a customer, but they should also understand the value of time spent on day-to-day operations. Time is a commodity, just like a home care service. So if an agency is spending time doing manual processes that could be automated and streamlined, they are wasting one of their most valuable resources. Your time … Read More

Generating Trust with Home Care Referral Partners

Generating Trust with Home Care Referral Partners

  From the moment a referral partner recommends a care company to the ongoing collaboration between agencies and partners, trust is the invisible thread that binds them together. Imagine this scenario: a family faces the daunting task of finding the right care solution for their loved one. They turn to a trusted referral partner—a healthcare provider, social worker, or physician—for … Read More

The Top Five Things to Know About Home Care Management Software

The Top Five Things to Know About Home Care Management Software

  If your home care agency has trouble completing daily tasks using outdated methods, it’s time to make things more efficient. Moving from manual processes to an unfamiliar technology can seem daunting, but there are some significant benefits to using software instead of paper or even spreadsheets. Once you’ve done the hard part of hiring a home care software vendor … Read More

5 Steps to Creating a Valuable Home Care Service

5 Steps to Creating a Valuable Home Care Service

  Whether you are a start-up home care business or your home care agency has been around for a few years but growth has been stagnant, here are five steps to creating a valuable service to help your agency thrive. 1. Listen, Don’t Assume Every business owner who wants to be successful should start at the beginning: listening to the … Read More

The Power of Personal Stories in Home Care Marketing

How to Use Personal Stories in Home Care Marketing

  Think back to a time when you needed to choose a service provider to help you with a sensitive situation. Perhaps it was a healthcare provider. You likely placed a high value on hearing encouraging stories from others who have used that provider or hearing the provider talk about how they’ve helped others in your circumstance. The same is … Read More

Get the Most Out of Your Home Care Software

Get the Most Out of Your Home Care Software

  For an agency to be successful in the home care space, owners and operators should invest in home care management software. No matter which system an agency chooses, ensuring the business gets the most out of that software is important. Whether it’s a brand new home care agency that’s shopping around for the best fit for their new business … Read More

Elevate Your Care Marketing Strategy for 2024

Elevate Your Care Marketing Strategy for 2024

Now that we’ve turned the calendar page and become somewhat accustomed to replacing “2023” with “2024,” it’s time to focus on goals for the year ahead. Specifically, what aspects of your home care marketing strategy could use some recalibration? What worked well for you last year—and what didn’t? Prepare to Embrace Change Let’s face it: change is hard. As a … Read More

Why Fighting Ageism Is Crucial for the Home Care Industry

Why Fighting Ageism Is Crucial for the Home Care Industry

You may not know it by name, but you’ve certainly seen it in action. Ageism, though perhaps innocuous or even endearing at first glance, is incredibly harmful. Consider how it feels from the perspective of an older adult in the following examples: A provider addresses health questions about an older adult to the family rather than to the individual directly. … Read More

The First Call Starts It All: How to Convert Calls to Clients

A female worker at a home care company answers a phone call from a potential client who wants to arrange care for a loved one.

Think for a moment about your most memorable customer service experience. What made it unforgettable? Perhaps the representative went above and beyond your expectations. Or maybe the rep failed miserably in providing you with the information you sought. Good or bad, deciding whether or not to do business with a company begins with the all-important first call. To illustrate, take … Read More

Mastering the Art of the Follow-Up in Home Care Sales

Mastering the Art of the Follow-Up in Home Care Sales

Getting new inquiries is the number one goal of successful home care businesses. Next up comes making a good impression during initial calls. It feels great to secure an in-home consultation right away. But that’s not always possible. Many people researching care for a loved one aren’t sure what they’re looking for or what their loved one needs. They might … Read More

Visiting Home Care Referral Partners in Person: Top Tools for Sales Success

Visiting Referral Partners: Top Tools for Sales Success

It seems like just yesterday that we were all shuttered away by the COVID pandemic. Virtual meetings and phone calls were the only way to maintain referral partner relationships. Home care companies were too busy fighting fires to nurture new referral sources. Fast forward to 2023, and the pandemic is, for the most part, behind us. In-person networking should once … Read More

The Best Social Channels for Home Care Marketing

The Best Social Channels for Home Care Marketing

Social media is a powerful marketing tool. Whether you’re recruiting caregivers or attracting new customers, there are multiple social media platforms that can help you reach the right audiences. The ways that companies market on social media vary depending on the audiences they’re trying to reach. Many mainstream brands have such a wide audience that the marketing possibilities are endless … Read More

How Can You Overcome Objections to the Price of Home Care?

How Can You Overcome Objections to the Price of Home Care?

When potential clients call looking for home care services, cost is often a key factor in their decision-making process. Consumers want to know that they’re getting the best value for their purchases, and a quality service or product can help them overlook a higher price. How do we overcome the price objection? It’s crucial for your home care agency to … Read More

Three Big Mistakes Home Care Owners Make and How to Avoid Them

Three Big Mistakes Home Care Owners Make and How to Avoid Them

A while ago, I was browsing a home care Facebook group. Somebody asked the pros and cons of starting a home care agency. Everybody mentioned challenges like recruitment as cons, but one comment was particularly on the nose. “You will work all the time. Nonstop. 24/7/365,” one commenter responded. They’re only right in some cases, but they hit on a … Read More

How to Communicate Your Agency’s Brand Message

How to Communicate Your Agency’s Brand Message banner

Your brand messaging defines your home care company. It gives consumers a gut feeling about what your company believes in and stands for. It is the specific values and benefits that your company promises that causes consumers and job seekers align with your company instead of the competition. It’s critical to do the hard work of developing your brand messaging, … Read More

Grow Your Senior Care Agency With Facebook

Grow Your Senior Care Agency With Facebook

The quantity of social media platforms today can feel overwhelming, particularly to small businesses. There is a seemingly constant guessing game of which platforms your business should be on and how to best use them to grow your senior care agency. To be successful in social media marketing, however, you don’t need to be doing everything everywhere all at once. … Read More

3 Competitive Home Health Care Sales and Marketing Trends You Can’t Afford to Miss

2022 HCP Benchmarking Report

Home care agencies all around North America have revamped their sales and marketing strategies to fit the post-pandemic home care landscape—are you behind? Be the first to know about the latest 2022 trends. Home care agencies are doing better than they have been for the last 4 years. Agencies experienced a 7.3% client increase on average last year, surpassing the … Read More

Weed Out Inquiry Management Problems and Watch Your Home Care Sales Grow

Weed Out Inquiry Management Problems and Watch Your Home Care Sales Grow

With spring just around the bend, our thoughts are turning to growth. Flower beds bursting with color. Gardens filled with sprouts. All things that seem so natural, but require time and effort on the part of the gardener. Much like gardeners, home care agency owners and operators sow a lot of time and effort into marketing and home care sales … Read More

Improve SEO for Home Care with These Expert Tips

“#Rank #1 – Guaranteed! Triple Your Website Traffic in 10 Days!”   If you’ve ever seen unrealistic SEO tactic promises such as these, run the other way, fast! Effective SEO for home care requires specific expertise and strategy – not false promises. Our team of elder care marketing and SEO experts has compiled the information you need to make the best decisions for … Read More