Home Care Marketing & Sales Blog

How to Market to Seniors Online: Top 5 Issues That Turn Users Off From Your Website

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When it comes to finding the goods and services they need today, the majority of consumers turn to the web. There, they can find any number of sites claiming to hold the solution to their problem. So how do consumers choose one website (i.e. one business) over another?

Think about your website like you would a home you were trying to sell. You want to attract people to look at your home, so it needs curb appeal, but it also has to have features that buyers need or find useful. Your website is the online home of your business, and there are several common issues that keep customers from getting past your virtual front door.

  • Poor/confusing navigation: Similar to the layout of a house, your website’s navigation must flow in a way that makes sense to users. Your navigation must be simple and consistent, and should answer the following questions: Where am I? Where have I been? Where can I go next? Where is the home page? Also, make sure your navigation buttons make sense so users understand what page they will go to when they click.
  • Outdated information: Walking into a home that has an outdated motif can be a huge turn-off to buyers. It means that the owners haven’t put a lot of care into the home over the years. Similarly, if a user comes to your website and sees an events page that still lists events from 2010, that the last blog post is from 3 years ago, or the phone number listed isn’t your current number, it shows that your business isn’t putting a lot of care into its online presence and it might set off warning bells that you’ve closed.
  • Lack of contact information: Say the people looking at your home love everything they’ve seen and they’re ready to move forward, but…you didn’t give them a way to contact you. This is a big mistake for you as a seller, and it’s also a big mistake on your website. Not having a contact page and phone number listed on your site, or hiding it in the confusing navigation we mentioned previously, prevents users from making that crucial next step of contacting you about your services.
  • Lack of pricing: Obviously you need to list the price of your home in order to attract buyers who can afford it. On your website, pricing your products and services is important as well. For aging care providers, this can be a bit tricky, as each person’s care needs can affect the overall price of your services. However, giving your online users a ballpark range of your fees or explaining how your pricing works can help, and inviting them to contact you to discuss pricing further can give them a better understanding how your fees work and perhaps encourage them to call to learn more.
  • Vague service listings: What if you listed your house this way: A ranch-esque house with a few bedrooms. Bathroom(s) and a yard-like area also included. This doesn’t exactly give potential buyers a great picture of your home, does it? Similarly, your potential clients want to know what services you offer. Simply listing personal care, companion care, and respite care as your services doesn’t mean a whole lot to the average user. How can your agency help them or their loved ones? Can you provide transportation if needed? What if my mother can’t make her own meals or vacuum? Give some concrete examples of how your caregivers help clients each day.

Home Care Online Marketing – Successfully Market to Seniors

Your website is the virtual home of your company. Make sure it has curb appeal! Contact the home care online marketing experts at corecubed to learn how we can help spruce up your site and make sure it’s ready for potential clients.