Home Care Marketing & Sales Blog

Throw Family Caregivers a Lifeline: Use Life Hacks to Market Home Care

Family Caregivers

Hacking is a big buzzword today; we hear it everywhere, often in reference to computers. But hacking goes far beyond traditional computer hacking. In fact, it has made its way into our daily, non-digital, lives. As technology has made our lives faster and more efficient, many of us are seeking the same “hacks” or efficiencies in our day-to-day lives. Enter life hacking.

Life hacking refers to any trick, shortcut, or skill that increases productivity and makes a task, or life in general, a little easier, and it has become popular with people of all ages. But while we’re all looking for ways to simplify our daily routines, few people need life hacks as much as family caregivers. Between juggling work, family, and caregiving duties, family caregivers are in constant need of life hacks to alleviate the pressure they’re under, and guess who can provide those life hacks – you!

Answering Your SOS Calls with Helpful Marketing

Often we think of marketing in the same way as advertising, after all aren’t the goals of both to put your business in front of as many eyes as possible? Yes and no. While one goal of marketing is to increase reach, marketing is a systematic strategy designed to bring buyers and sellers together for a mutually beneficial exchange. In other words, marketing should be helpful. In particular, home care marketing should help overwhelmed caregivers find balance and create greater harmony in their lives, simply by sharing tips and tricks (a.k.a life hacks). For example:

  • Social Service: Do you know of a smartphone app that your caregivers or clients have found helpful for medication reminders or keeping up with daily tasks? Share it with your social media followers.
  • The Blog Life Boat: As someone who has worked countless hours helping older adults create safer homes and figure out ways to perform everyday tasks, you probably have a wealth of tips for preventing falls in the home or how to use household appliances easily and safely. Put these tips into a blog or a video so that your potential clients can use them as a resource when needed.
  • Resource Library: Similar to your blog, a resource page or library can be housed on your website with links to local or national organizations related to senior care issues, like your local Alzheimer’s Association chapter, local senior centers, etc. You can also create and store PDFs of caregiver checklists, questions to ask the doctor, etc. for users to download and take with them on the go.
  • The Printed Word: Just as family caregivers need your expertise and assistance, so do your referral sources. Printed brochures, flyers, and checklists with educational information are excellent resources for referral sources to give their clients, and can help you build stronger relationships within your community.

“Look for the Helpers”

The beloved Fred Rogers once famously said, “When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.” The search for care can be a scary event for family caregivers. Be the helper that they’re looking for.

If you’re looking for helpers of your own, the home care marketing experts at corecubed are here! Our award-winning content marketing team can help you develop blogs, social media posts, online resource pages, brochures, flyers, and much more to help establish your agency as a dedicated lifeline for your clients. Contact us today to learn more about our home care marketing services.