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Think Print is Dead? Think Again!

Think Print is Dead? Think Again!

The world has gone digital. Social media is king. Internet marketing has trumped print ads. The printed word is dead. Any of these sentiments sound familiar? The world of marketing has changed, it’s true. People spend a great deal of time online, and to remain competitive in this day and age, companies must have a dynamic web presence. But does that mean that print is over? Not so fast.

According to the National Association for Printing Leadership (NAPL), 56 percent of the NAPL Printing Business Panel reported sales increases in 2011, with an expected increase in sales in 2012 as well. And contrary to popular belief, around 46 percent of all advertising dollars are still spent on printed media. That’s hardly the sign of a dying industry.

While online marketing has its own strengths and advantages, print is still a prime place to strengthen your brand with a tangible and memorable piece of marketing that can convey more than just an online banner. You can even integrate your online and print marketing strategies for a more well-rounded campaign.

QR codes are a great way to synergize print and the web. You’ve probably noticed the curious little square barcodes on everything from your junk mail to your shampoo bottle. Using QR codes that lead back to your website on brochures, postcards, and even business cards is a great way to integrate print marketing with digital.

As Forbes contributor Newtek points out, “The best way to market your business is to utilize as many channels as possible to reach every corner of your target demographic; this should not exclude print.” So don’t count print out just yet! The corecubed team creates eye-catching print material for clients. Take a look at some of our work over on our portfolio page.

How are you using print in your business? Tell us in the comments or on our Facebook page.