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Tackle the Teaser: Ground Rules for Great Headlines

Tackle the Teaser: Ground Rules for Great Headlines

I LOVE when I read a headline and I’m instantly curious and click to continue reading the—takes a minute of downward scrolling—four-page article through its entirety. It also makes me want to be a better writer and be able to grab my readers’ attention just like that. A good title can make a book a best-seller, and turn your readers into believers and clients.

Drafting an attention-grabbing headline is sometimes the toughest part of writing a press release, article or blog post. In fact, many writers save the headline for last, hoping that as the body is written something genius comes to mind. If no one is reading, you’re not connecting. corecubed is happy to make your headline click-worthy, and provide a few tips and practice ideas for tackling the teaser.

Write a headline or title like you would a funny photo caption on Facebook—share the news in one quick snippet.  If blogging, find an image that resonates with your headline for visual appeal.

Drafting work emails can even help you practice by crafting better email subjects. Entertain your coworkers with subject headlines that will get them responding.

Expand your vocabulary. Edit multiple words for one word that is more powerful and still delivers your message.

corecubed enjoys coming up with the unexpected, and making your marketing and PR stand out is our specialty. Contact us and we’ll start brainstorming!