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Shopping For Home Care SEO Services: The False Promise Of First Page Rankings

As experts in Internet and search engine marketing, we are approached by many people who are shopping for SEO services. As discerning shoppers, many ask how our home care SEO services stack up to the competition; what can we promise that others cannot? The one thing we tell clients right away is beware of the word “promise” when it comes to search engine rankings. If an agency promises you that their services can guarantee first page placement, that’s a huge red flag! These folks are likely trying to cheat Google’s algorithm in order to get sites ranked highly, but Google is all too good at ferreting out sites that employ shady tactics, and you could wind up with nothing but broken promises and a blacklisted site. The plain fact is, there’s no way to guarantee where a site will end up in searches, but a good agency will know how to work with Google’s current algorithm to get you the best results possible and keep an eye out for future improvements that can be made.

So what do you need to look for when shopping for home care SEO and SEM services?

  • You want a company that stays up on all the latest trends, is constantly doing the research to keep up with changing SEO tactics.
  • You want a company that doesn’t make promises that can’t be kept. (ex. “You’ll be number 1 for  the search term Dog Food!”)
  • You don’t want a company that charges you per keyword.
  • You want to ask how they are going to tackle your SEO. What keywords do they recommend and why? Will competitor research be done? Do they optimize title tags? Etc.
  • You also want to learn how the company will measure results. Do they only look at search engine ranking, or will they also be looking at analytic reports and providing you with detailed reports on a regular basis?

Home Care SEO Services You Can Trust

Promises for high rankings always sound great, but they’re not ethical and can cost you in the long run. At corecubed, we promise to stay current on SEO, SEM, and Google ranking trends, give our clients thorough reports on where they rank and how we can help improve rankings, and monitor consistently for improvements we can make. No tricks. No gimmicks. Learn more about how we can improve your SEO. Contact us today!