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Sherlock Home Care: Benefits of Mystery Shopping Your Agency

The home care industry is at its most competitive, and figuring out how to get ahead can feel like a great mystery. The good news is that you don’t need to hire Sherlock Holmes to get the inside info you need to succeed.

Mystery shopping helps companies assess the competition to gain better insight into how other businesses stack up to their own. But it’s also a good home health marketing strategy to, from time to time, turn the magnifying glass on your own agency to discover how your business can improve and stay competitive.

Mystery shopping your own home care company helps uncover a wealth of information from seemingly simple things like greetings, to how office staff handles calls from intake to follow-up and follow-through. Let’s explore the benefits of playing Sherlock Home Care with your agency:


Answering the phone seems simple, but when you’re hoping to attract new clients, the greeting prospects receive leaves a lasting impression – good or bad. Agency owners often don’t consider how important that initial phone greeting is, and therefore are not always tuned in to how the phones are answered. Mystery shopping your agency can reveal how warmly calls are received, whether or not potential clients get put on hold for extended periods, how well they are listened to, whether or not there are distractions in the background, etc., all of which can either put prospects at ease or send them running to the next agency.

Procedures and Operations

Procedures are implemented to improve a business, but how do you know if these procedures are having the intended impact or even being followed? Using a mystery shopping service, like the one offered by corecubed, gives you the ability to check in on how well your staff are following procedures, and to isolate how well these procedures are working and whether or not they need improvement.


In today’s competitive world of home care, the intake call isn’t just an info-gathering mission; it’s a sales opportunity. Are your staff members getting the name and contact information from callers right off the bat? Do they know how to speak knowledgably about your services? Can they adjust their sales style to meet the buying style of the caller? Are they practicing active listening skills? Are they asking for an in-home assessment? Are they following up after the initial inquiry?

Getting the answers to these questions can help you evaluate whether or not some sales training is in order for your team.

The Overall Customer Experience

The customer experience your agency delivers during these calls is a reflection of the service prospects can expect if they decide to work with you, and it’s often the biggest way you can stand out from your competition. Mystery shopping gives you an advantage by putting the customer experience front and center, so you know exactly how your customers feel through the feedback of qualified, expert mystery shoppers. Mystery shopping can help you understand how empathetic your staff members sound when interacting with a customer, if they interrupt or talk too much, if they sound distracted or are rushing the prospect off the phone, and more.

Not Just Any Mystery Shopping Will Do!

Mystery shopping is an excellent way learn how your brand is perceived, and there are plenty of mystery shopping companies out there from which to choose. But for home care agencies, it pays to work with a company that truly knows the home care industry. corecubed‘s award-winning home care marketers can help agencies mystery shop themselves and their competition to give them the insight they need to grow and flourish. Contact us today to learn more about our mystery shopping services and how our expert team of home health marketers can help.