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Separating Your Business From the Field With Smart PR

Differentiating yourself from your competitors is part of the fundamentals of marketing your company.  If you are comparing apples to apples, let’s be honest, there aren’t always a lot of differences.  PR is a great way to create a differentiator!

If all things are equal and you have an article in an industry magazine and your competitor doesn’t, chances are, you will be the vendor of choice.  Too often, I hear C-level executives say, “Why would media want to talk to me?”  Believe me, they do!

For starters, they have a lot of space, air, shows, to fill.  With most publications also responsible for online content and social media fodder, the amount needed is exponentially increasing. The media is savvy, but they are just like you and me…busy, time-crunched, and typically, want the information presented to them in a concise and useable manner.

Can you do it? Sure! But, how can you know what they might want to hear from you about? Here are some ideas that might fit your business model. If not, shoot us an e-mail about your particular niche. We’re quite confident we can help you find an appropriate story angle.

  • Industry and personnel news.  Most industry trade publications and business journals have a special section to outline the latest in industry and personnel news. Each one calls it something different so it may take a bit of detective work to find out the specifics for that publication. Some examples include: Business Briefs, People on the Move, or Hirings and Firings.
  • Event information.  Are you having an open house? Hosting a free arts and crafts fair? Holding a seminar on home ownership? Local papers, business journals, TV stations, trade publications, and more all have event listings, calendars, etc.
  • Expert or byline article.  You are an expert!  Authoring an article that offers a new perspective or tips in your service or product area is a great way to get exposure.  All publications create an editorial calendar at the end of the year that outlines what subjects they are hoping to cover for the next calendar year.  Many of them publish these editorial calendars on their websites.

See if there is a fit for you and if it sparks an idea for an article. Pitching an idea that fits with an editorial calendar gives you a much greater chance of an editor biting on your article.  However, don’t be discouraged to pitch an article idea; you never know what they will be interested in.  Just make sure it isn’t too self-promotional and that the subject is relevant to the outlet you are pitching to.

Even if you don’t get picked up the first time you reach out, you are putting yourself on that reporter’s radar.  Next time they go to write a story about something in your industry, you might just be on the top of their source list!