According to our expert home care sales partners at Hurricane Marketing, the best time to visit social workers is on a different day at a different time each week versus on the same day at the same time each week, with the exception of Friday! Friday is their busiest day of the week as they try to arrange services for clients before the weekend starts.
But what is the best thing to bring social workers? The answer is simple, but the delivery is harder. The best thing to bring social workers is something they find useful. Did you ever wish someone had a ready-made plan and ready-made materials for what you should be bringing to target referral sources and what you should talk about with them? Good news: someone does!
Something we often hear from aging care providers is that they just don’t have enough time to market their agencies well. That’s why most home care agencies need a true marketing partner who can create targeted marketing materials that get the attention of both potential clients and referral sources while saving agency owners and marketers time and money.
Marketing That Hits Your Referral Targets
At corecubed, we’ve always got quality aging care marketing all wrapped up and waiting for you! Our MOST home care marketing program gives agencies access to a web-based resource chock full of ALL kinds of materials to help build your business and beat the competition. The MOST program targets specific audiences with strategic messages to grow your business, including some of your agency’s biggest referrers such as:
- Adult children of aging parents
- Case managers and transitional care nurses at your local hospitals
- Physicians and health professionals in your community
- Rehab and care facilities in your service area
- Skilled nursing facilities
- Financial planners
- Long-term care insurance specialists
- Elder care attorneys
- Social workers
- And many others in a position to provide referrals to your agency!
The MOST program lets you choose the referral source you want to target and select from materials that have been written and designed by home care marketing experts with your marketing needs in mind. These content-rich, educational marketing materials can be easily designed to include your company’s colors and branding. And, because MOST is a turnkey program with materials developed and the cost spread over geographic areas, we can offer all of our high-quality resource materials at a heavily discounted price.
What Do You Get as a MOST Member?
- Full access to a library of marketing materials, including web content, blogs, flyers, brochures, PowerPoint presentations, and more, written and designed by home care experts.
- An award-winning marketing strategy with proven results.
- Access to free webinars led by industry experts.
- A partnership between your agency and our team of home care marketing and sales experts.
- And so much more.
If you’ve made a resolution to get your marketing back on track in 2015, MOST can help make sure you not only keep, but exceed that resolution. Give yourself a gift that really does keep on giving this year. Contact us to learn more about the MOST program and how it can work for your agency!