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More than Luck: Why Content Marketing Matters to Your Home Care Agency

content marketingDiscovering a ten dollar bill in the jacket you just dragged out of spring storage, or even running across a lucky penny, can feel like the modern-day equivalent of finding a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. But if you’re hoping to make serious, sustainable money on luck alone, you probably shouldn’t own your own business. Smart entrepreneurs know it takes more than luck to keep a business afloat, even in a booming industry like aging care. It takes time and persistence, and in today’s tech savvy world, it takes great digital content to attract, engage, and retain new clients.

A survey conducted by The Content Council and AdAge shows more companies are putting more dollars every year into content creation. According to the report, the percentage of total marketing budgets allocated to content marketing has increased from 13% two years ago to 23% today, and is expected to account for 33% in the next two years. Additionally, 76% of those surveyed said their already strong commitment to content marketing will increase 36% in the next two years. This is clearly a strong trend. So why is content marketing so wildly important to so many agencies?

What Is Content Marketing?

In general terms, content marketing is a strategic approach of creating and distributing content that is informative, engaging, and helpful to a business’s target audience. Your content should also direct that audience back to your website, where you can capture leads and sell your services. But content marketing is also an umbrella term that encompasses a number of different tactics that all work together to improve your agency’s marketing, including:

  • SEO: Arguably the most important aspect of content marketing is its ability to enhance your website’s SEO – search engine optimization. As you write blogs, you are building a portfolio of keywords and metadata within your site that will help your business get found in a Google search. Over time, as your content is viewed and shared, you’ll rank higher for user queries related to those keywords and your products and services. Search engines will notice this user behavior as a sign that your website is trusted and high-quality. But it doesn’t happen automatically. The corecubed team understands the important connection between content and SEO and can help your agency build a strategy that gets results. Learn more about our SEO services here.
  • Blogging: One thing Google loves is a website that is regularly updating its content, and there’s no better way to do that than to maintain a blog. But blogging is a vital piece of your content marketing puzzle for a number of other reasons too. Producing high-quality, informative content on your blog builds trust among your clients and referral sources, and positions your home care agency as an expert. It also helps give your website a much needed SEO boost by allowing and promoting backlinking, giving you the opportunity to incorporate more keywords and phrases into your site, and giving others the opportunity to share your content across social media. Speaking of which…
  • Social media marketing: Believe it or not, Google also picks up on what are called “social signals,” also known as the likes, shares, pins, retweets, or views people place on your Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or other social media sites. If you connect your blog to your Facebook, Twitter, and other social media accounts, you give search engines one more thing to find when people look for your company. Also, if you use SEO keywords in your titles and meta descriptions, you’ll boost SEO through social media listings, too.
  • Email marketing: An important part of content marketing is its ability to nurture both current clients and new leads. Emails, eblasts, and enewsletters are a great way to stay in touch with current clients and let them know about new services, as well as a great way to reach out to lead sources. Good email content deepens your relationship with your audience through effective subject line writing, which gets your messages opened; your brand’s distinctive voice and messaging, which gets your messages read; and delivering quality content your potential clients need and deem worthy enough to share with others, inspiring referrals and word-of-mouth marketing.
  • Sales tools: It’s important to remember that content marketing is both a digital and print venture. Sales collateral such as print brochures, rack cards, and print and web resources are all essential pieces of a successful content marketing strategy, and should be designed to answer a question or solve a problem for the client or referral source. corecubed’s MOST home care marketing program creates a wide range of award-winning sales tools that educate, inform, comfort, and answer aging care questions that people ask most.

What Can Content Marketing Do for Your Business?

Beyond improving your website’s SEO, good content marketing helps businesses to achieve a number of marketing objectives, including:

  • Lead generation: Impressing customers with your content makes them more willing to provide you with their information, whether out of an interest in your services or simply a desire to learn more from your expertise.
  • Reputation development: Providing quality content on a regular basis sets your agency up as a thought leader within the industry and strengthens your overall brand.
  • Relationship development: Content that offers useful information connects customers to your company for the long term. By consistently offering good content, you entice potential clients and referrals to return to your site again and again.

What Can corecubed Do for Your Business?

Researching, developing, and sharing content on a regular basis is a time-consuming commitment. You don’t want to waste that time. You need a partner with a proven track record of success and a finger on the pulse of rapidly changing technology. The aging care industry experts at corecubed can not only develop a results-driven SEO strategy for your business, we can create engaging, informative content for your blog, enewsletters, social media accounts, sales tools, and more. Our award-winning content marketing services help you reach and stay engaged with your core audience, while allowing you to do what you do best – provide exceptional care to your clients. Contact us today to learn more about our SEO and content marketing services and discover how we can help spread the good word about your business.