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Marketing is Talking Turkey!

Thanksgiving dinner—it’s the most anticipated and talked about meal of the year. Families congregate around tables overflowing with turkey, mashed potatoes, green beans, cranberries, dressing and a plethora of desserts that are sure to inspire the Food and Drug Administration to issue a dozen guides on healthy holiday eating. Ah yes, a memorable Thanksgiving dinner necessitates a masterpiece.

Anyone who’s ever sat down to a turkey TV dinner knows there’s nothing to compare to home-made and fresh ingredients. Try taking shortcuts and you might end up with an unappetizing, sloppy stuffing and cranberries from a can. So, just like your marketing plan, a well-crafted Thanksgiving dinner takes planning, the best ingredients, and a helping of expertise.

We’re on the verge of a new year. 2012 represents an opportunity to position your brand at the forefront of your market. Imagine what your business could do with an effective marketing plan that has your clients and customers asking for a second helping. It’s the edge you need on your competitors.

Is it time to add new offerings?
It’s usually not a bad idea to rely on tried and true recipes at Thanksgiving; recipes that have been passed down from generation to generation as sure pallet pleasers. However, it’s also a good idea to try something a little more updated to cause a stir at the dinner table. For your business, think about 2012 as the year to give your marketing plan a modest shake-up to keep up with the times—mobile marketing trends, mobile-friendly websites and social media.

Inviting the right mix of guests
One poor invite can possibly ruin the entire meal for all. In your business, it may be time to take a look at what you are communicating to whom, and to refine that as a part of your plan. What bloggers, journalists and local community contacts will be part of your media database?

Something for the dieters, the gourmets & the gourmands
Since you may have to select a menu based on the tastes and habits of your guests, selecting options that satisfy all may be a strategy for dinner. It definitely needs to be a strategy for your business as you try and decide marketing based on what you think your customers will want.

The Thanksgiving chef doesn’t just pop her secret oyster dressing recipe in the microwave for three minutes – that would be sacrilege! Likewise, you’ve got to get a 2012 marketing plan together now. Don’t settle for a three-minute, freeze-dried marketing system you pull out of a box. corecubed can help position you for success in the coming year with a customized, effective, relevant marketing plan that pulls clients into your story. Give us a call and we’ll get our creative juices flowing for you!

And have a Happy Thanksgiving!
corecubed team