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Market Value: Marketing in This Time of Healthcare Reform

Market Value: Marketing in This Time of Healthcare Reform

The winds of change are blowing strong in the aging care industry. With the Affordable Care Act bringing many changes in its wake, including many that will affect health care at home, it is vital for businesses to stay on top of their marketing strategies, and to change with the times in order to position for being at the forefront of the new market. How can your agency or company stay on top of your game in this new health care landscape?

Become a Thought Leader

In a recent study performed by Porter Research and Dodge Communications, close to 70% of health care professionals place importance on developing executive thought leadership positions. Basically, companies should strive to position themselves as the go-to resource within their particular industry niche. How? Your web presence is your company’s calling card, the place where most information about your products and services, as well as your influence, is gleaned. Blogging, writing whitepapers, staying active with relevant, informative posts on social media, and attending and speaking at important industry events can help your company build a sense of trust amongst customers and prospects who are looking to stay educated on industry hot topics. As the study notes, “If successful, this sense of trust is extended to the brand itself, keeping it top-of-mind amongst this same group when the time comes for purchasing decisions.”

Partner with a Marketing Expert

Knowing how to market is only half the battle. Going to market is a challenge all its own. The Porter Research study also examined the top integrated marketing priorities for health care companies in the age of health care reform to better understand the needs and challenges these companies face in developing and implementing successful integrated marketing programs. Their key findings included the following:

  • To stay competitive in today’s changing health care landscape, health care executives must adopt an integrated marketing strategy that takes advantage of traditional and digital tools.
  • Aging care companies see tremendous value in engaging a marketing firm for marketing projects such as ongoing content development and search engine optimization. Placing these tasks in the hands of an experienced third party better enables companies to concentrate on what they do best — running their businesses and developing new services and products.
  • Partnering with a marketing agency will only be as successful as the experience, creativity and subject matter expertise that agency offers. A deeper understanding of the company’s specific market niche is vital to the success of the partnership.

A marketing partner who knows the industry and can strategically position your company within the changing marketplace is invaluable. At corecubed, our focus on aging care marketing stems from our wealth of experience within the home health care and aging care industry. Need a marketing partner to help you stay on top during these rapidly changing times? Contact corecubed today!

To read the full Porter Research study, click here.