No one likes a Debbie Downer, am I right? You know who I’m talking about, that friend who’s always talking about the latest flu epidemic or the relative who only calls you to talk about how terrible the economy is. While the topics they’re discussing are important ones, it’s hard to listen to that much negativity without feeling down or even frightened yourself. Wouldn’t it be nice if they could just put a positive spin on things for once?
When it comes to senior citizen advertising, or advertising home care services specifically, we face a similar issue. There are loads of positives involved with the home care and home health care industries – enhancing senior independence, allowing older adults to stay in the homes that they love, bringing families closer together, improving disease management, and so much more. But there are many things that we in the aging care industry need to talk about or write about that are more, shall we say, negative-sounding, like the effects of Alzheimer’s disease or traumatic brain injury, end-of-life care, incontinence care, etc. When trying to market your services and draw clients in, it’s important to avoid language that could be seen as “doom and gloom.” After all, it’s difficult enough for older adults to admit that they need assistance, and they probably won’t seek it from a company that focuses solely on the negative aspects of aging. This presents a unique conundrum; how can you sell vital services that many seniors need without sounding too negative and without minimizing the seriousness or importance of the content?
Consider Your Language
There’s no way around it, there are aspects of aging that are difficult. Hospice care, for example, is a very emotional time for a family. Similarly, Alzheimer’s disease can be challenging for both the patient and his or her loved ones. Notice how in both of those sentences I never said that they were “sad” or “devastating.” Instead, I used language that described them as “emotional” and “challenging.” These words accurately describe both hospice care and Alzheimer’s disease without focusing too much on the negative feelings that often surround them and without downplaying their serious nature.
The words you use when describing senior issues and senior care services are very important; they show potential clients that you understand their needs, and that your focus is on positive outcomes.
Focus on Solutions
A person living with or caring for someone with diabetes knows how hard it is to manage the disease. They know the pain of daily insulin injections, how taxing it can be to stick to the right diet, and how burnt out they can feel trying to manage medications, food, doctors’ appointments, etc. They don’t need someone to regurgitate the negative aspects of their disease back to them; they need solutions!
Focusing your content on solutions instead of problems helps showcase your agency’s proactive nature. For example, “Our dedicated caregivers will work with you and your physician to chart out a meal plan that not only satisfies your dietary needs, but your personal taste as well.” This statement addresses a main problem that diabetics face – sticking to a diet – but focuses on what your agency can do to ensure that dietary needs AND the client’s preferences will be met.
Tell It Like It Is
Making sure your content is positive is ideal, but it’s also OK to tell it like it is from time to time. For instance, many family caregivers are overworked and overwhelmed and feel guilty for not being able to do it all for their loved ones. As a home care agency whose job it is to relieve that burden, it’s OK to address those issues, as long as you refer back to our previous point and offer solutions. Example: “Caring for a senior loved one and your own family is hard! You’re probably feeling overwhelmed and guilty, and that’s normal. We can help!” Yes, you’re using “negative” language, but in this circumstance, when many family caregivers are trying to convince themselves that they can handle it all, it’s useful and reassuring to hear that the guilt and anxiety they’re feeling are normal and help is available and necessary in order to maintain their own health.
Consult the Home Care Content Marketing Experts
Trying to get your message out there in a positive way? Want to take a new approach to senior citizen advertising? The corecubed team has been crafting content for aging care clients for decades and we have a plethora of home care marketing strategies proven to get results! Contact us today to learn how we can help with a marketing solution for your home care agency.