Home Care Marketing & Sales Blog

Home Care Marketing Solutions: Recruiting Through Marketing

In your planning for 2022, have you starting thinking through new strategies for that ever-important focus: effective recruiting tactics to bring in more caregivers? As part of our recommended home care marketing solutions, we encourage home care agency owners to incorporate some of the same digital marketing strategies used for attracting client and referral sources in recruiting efforts.

Following are our top five marketing strategies to help keep a steady stream of caregiving candidates coming to your agency as the caregiver shortage continues.

  1. Paid Google Ads – When caregivers are searching for jobs in your area, you want your agency’s website to be at the top of their search results. Pay-per-click (PPC) ads are the quickest and most efficient way to get your agency seen in internet search results.
  2. Facebook – Facebook is much more than just a place to share pictures and memes. The 2020 Home Care Benchmarking Study revealed that Facebook is a top consumer marketing source, accounting for 28% of revenue, and a successful means for recruiting care staff.  Be sure the content and images you use are engaging and speak to your ideal job seekers, monitor the performance of your ads and revise ads for greater optimization based on your results.
  3. Referral programs – Your current caregivers are a wonderful means of recruitment. Consider giving a referral bonus at the time of hire as well as after the new hire reaches the 90-day employment mark. Host celebrations for anyone on your team who participates in referring employees.
  4. Online job sitesInternet job posting sites remain top sources for caregiver recruitment. And, caregivers state that the number one reason they chose to work with an agency is because it was the first to offer them a position. So be sure to respond promptly to applicants, and utilize paid ads, which are 4.5 times more likely to lead to a hire.
  5. Blogging – Regularly posting fresh, engaging content on your blog has long been an important marketing strategy. But savvy home care agencies also post blog content that appeals to job seekers. Add an “Apply Now” button or link to your employment application in your blog posts, and always do keyword research to determine the local keywords job seekers may be using in their searches.

At MOST, our team is always here to offer more home care marketing solutions, including help with recruiting, home care advertising, marketing, sales and more. Contact us to learn more at 800.370.6580.