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Home Care Marketing Expert Series: Ask a Content Marketing Expert

content marketing expertContent marketing. If you own a business or work in sales, it’s likely you’ve heard that term a lot in recent years. Content marketing has become a key way to attract and convert prospects into customers, and customers into repeat buyers. In our third installment of our Home Care Marketing Expert series, we’re asking one of corecubed’s content marketing experts, Jennifer Logullo, about content marketing and why it’s important for aging care businesses.

Jennifer is a Multimedia Writer for corecubed. She is a certified Copyblogger Content Marketer and has received a certificate in Engagement and Nurture Marketing Strategies from Northwestern University. As a multimedia writer, she creates sparkling content for clients that can be used across a wide range of media, from blogs to social media to press releases.

Leigh-Ann: Thanks for chatting with us today, Jennifer. Let’s jump right in. At its essence, what is content marketing?

Jennifer: Content marketing is simply providing valuable, relevant, written material to help attract, retain and grow your target audience.

L: We hear a lot about content marketing being very important these days and that brands should be creating fresh content on a regular basis. What is the benefit of creating that content?

J: So much on the web is vying for our attention that it becomes overwhelming. Think about what draws you to want to read particular companies’ content: it’s not likely that you’re enthralled with reading about how great they think they are, but instead with what they can offer that will help you solve a problem or somehow make your life easier. Offering helpful solutions and beneficial material gives your audience reason to want to keep coming back for more – so you need to make sure you’re continuing to provide the help they’re seeking. Your goal with content marketing is to educate people so that they know, like, and trust you enough to do business with you.

L: Does a business really need to have a blog on its website? If so, why?

J: Absolutely, for so many reasons! Blogging is one of the best ways to position your business as an authority in your industry, to provide ongoing, fresh and relevant content, to improve your website’s SEO – all of which leads to more high quality visitors to your website and turnover of prospects into clients. It’s crucial, however, that your blogs be well written and free of grammatical errors; unpolished and unprofessional content can have the reverse effect and turn prospects away.

L: When considering an overall marketing strategy, where does digital content rank?

J: Highly. Digital content must be part of everything you do these days. With the explosion of social media use, digital marketing is key for its shareability, and as mentioned before, its impact on SEO. And according to SmartInsights, 40% of the world’s population – nearly 3 billion people – are online seeking information. (And, just for fun, check out this real-time visual of Google’s online searches – 40,000 of them every second!) If you don’t have a digital footprint, you can be sure your target audience is finding your competitors’.

L: So many small business owners, especially those in the bustling aging care industry, feel as though they don’t have time to devote to creating and posting regular content to their websites and social media channels. What are some suggestions to help them fit content marketing into their busy days?

J: The best solution for agency owners is to focus on what they do best – running their agency – and engage the services of a professional marketer, particularly one with experience in the industry, to create compelling blogs on their behalf.

Great insights from our Multimedia Writer, Jennifer Logullo. Thanks for taking the time to talk to us about how important content marketing is in today’s marketing process. Have more questions you’d like to ask our content marketing experts? Leave them in the comments below or contact the corecubed team to learn more about our content marketing services and how we can help your agency create fresh, compelling content that will get results.

Also, don’t miss the other blogs in our Home Care Marketing Experts series where we talked to SEO expert, Beth Jackson and graphic design expert, Jan Curnutte.