Home Care Marketing & Sales Blog

Hands In for the Value of Home Care!

value of home careThe statistics make it alarmingly clear: America is aging at a pace far more rapid than our ability to provide needed care. In fact, according to the Home Care Association of America’s recently released report, “Caring for American’s Seniors: The Value of Home Care,” a whopping 56 million Americans will reach age 65 or older by the year 2020, and within the following 30 years, will skyrocket to 84 million. And we know that as many as 70% of seniors will, at some point, be unable to care for themselves without assistance.

Standing at the brink of this aging explosion poses the question: where are these seniors to turn for the care they need to remain safe and well? The impending need is far too great for our current health care system, including government-supported programs. Families and friends of the elderly can only do so much without compromising their own wellness.

Enter…you! Home care agencies, particularly private duty agencies, are crucial to filling in the gaps and providing the much-needed care of our growing aging population. From the HCAOA’s report, we know that 90% of American seniors want to stay at home as long as possible, and that those seniors who remain at home with the assistance of in-home care are saving us billions of dollars in health care costs, as they generally require fewer doctor and hospital visits.

At corecubed, we want you to know that we stand behind you and beside you as you fill this critical role for the older adult population. We’re both proud and honored to serve this industry exclusively as the premier marketing firm for private duty home care agencies. Our expertise and experience working in the senior care industry ourselves allows us to help private duty home care agencies to really stand out in the market, by:

  • Enhancing ranking and user experience of senior care websites through targeted home care SEO (search engine optimization) and website performance services
  • Helping home care agencies collect more positive online reviews from clients, families and referral sources and spread those reviews in the right places
  • Creating educational home care blogs that help consumers find an agency’s website when they are searching for information about caring for an older adult
  • Developing award-winning email marketing newsletters and campaigns that help home care agencies stay top-of-mind with key audiences
  • Creating home care agency websites that make consumers want to contact your agency over your competition
  • Providing sales tools that solve problems for referral sources, adding value to your home care sales efforts
  • Offering caregiver recruitment and training materials to ensure the highest quality pool of staff
  • And much more

We invite you to learn more about partnering with us and using our home care marketing strategies to help grow your agency’s client base. Call us at 800.370.6580, or complete our simple, online contact form.

We look forward to hearing more about HCAOA’s report and upholding the value of the industry next month at HCAOA’s 2016 annual meeting September 25-28, 2016. This year’s theme is: “Leading Together: Create. Innovate. Inspire.” Our own Merrily Orsini, President/CEO of corecubed, will present: “The Why Factor: How to Stand Out in the Home Care Market.”

Hope to see you there!