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Give Your Marketing a Good Workout!

Give Your Marketing a Good Workout!

We’re at the start of a new business quarter, and now’s the perfect time to kick-off a new marketing strategy with fresh vigor and renewed efforts. But how do you determine what kind of strategy will best revitalize your current marketing and allow you to reach your goals?

We suggest a strategy that, much like a good fitness routine, is based on balance, strength, endurance and flexibility. Merging all four will allow you to adapt a healthy marketing plan that is destined to bring your business success.

Check out these tips sure to deliver high-impact results:

Step up on the scale.
To drop pounds, it’s important to know your starting weight in order to determine success. The same goes for business. The first step to a high-impact marketing campaign is to honestly assess where your business currently stands and how far you need to go in order to reach goals. Evaluate who the company is, what it offers and how it compares to the competition. Also think about how the public perceives your business and what challenges you might have in marketing it.

Determine your workout routine.
Every good fitness regimen needs a plan. Similarly, every good marketing strategy needs a plan of attack, and in today’s challenged economy it is more important than ever to adapt a specific strategy for your marketing.

Work out regularly, and on a schedule.
Exercise has to be done consistently in order to achieve results. The same is true with marketing. Consistency in brand and messaging to the right people, over time, will be your biggest key to success. In order to build a healthy network of clients in today’s downturned economy, your business must apply the same established marketing messages across a multitude of marketing channels.

Hire a personal trainer.
You may not instinctively know how to tackle problem areas of your body. The same is true for your business. Receiving the right kind of guidance and remaining motivated to succeed can help you reach your goals faster and more efficiently.

Enlist the services of a professional agency like corecubed to offer strategic planning for your business. A good agency should be able to create a strategic plan that meets your needs, targets the marketplace and sells your services. A good agency will keep your budget in mind and help you prioritize your marketing efforts.

Rally a support group.
A successful marketing campaign can also benefit from the support of staff. Involving the entire staff in your new monthly marketing program will ensure its longevity and success. Staff can assist in measurement and tracking and be an integral part in carrying out marketing efforts.

corecubed has created and maintained many successful monthly marketing campaigns for clients across the country—these campaigns include direct mail, web marketing, eNewsletters and public relations.