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Create “Marketing Love” and Go Steady with Your Clients

It’s all about the relationships with your customers. Without loyal customers, your business simply cannot thrive. So how can businesses inspire loyalty?

Make a good first impression. Poor company branding can have a negative impact on potential clients. It’s important to develop a distinctive branding style that shows off your business’s true personality—and all materials should reflect the style flawlessly. If you have great messaging and visuals, your branding will make potential clients and referral sources more receptive to trying what you have to offer.

Strut your stuff. Oftentimes in order to get the girl, a guy must make repeated efforts to catch her eye. As a professional, you should consistently strive to make your business familiar to potential clients and referral sources, and maintaining a monthly marketing campaign to reinforce your messages is an excellent start. Continuously make an impression, and catch the eye of customers so they feel comfortable about accepting a “first date”.

The first date. Remember, as in personal relationships, you want to be honest and straightforward, and exceed expectations. You would never arrive late for a date on purpose, so why would you be late for a deadline? Be on time, be polite, and make it your personal mission to have clients enjoy working with you.

Happy customers are repeat customers. And from experience, we know that it’s more cost-efficient to work with repeat clients than it is to try and bring in NEW clients. Also, don’t forget the value of word-of-mouth. Just as a woman who has had a great date will tell ALL her friends about it, you want your customers to sing like canaries to their colleagues, friends and acquaintances about your great products and services.

Keeping the home fires burning. To keep the spark in a relationship, you have to work at it. Plan special occasions; do sweet things; listen attentively even if you have heard that story several times before. The same is true in a business relationship.

Even if customers are happy with the service or product, don’t get complacent. Try something different every once in a while, just for spice. Be communicative and ask if you are still making the grade. Keep the interest level high.

Do you feel the marketing love? If your business is looking to build a lasting relationship with your target audience, contact corecubed! Our team of seasoned professionals will help you craft a strategic campaign to build valuable relationships with your targeted audience.