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corecubed Wins Gold for Excellence in Aging Care Marketing

corecubed Wins Gold for Excellence in Aging Care Marketing

America’s growing senior population is putting all senior care-related services in the spotlight and in high demand. Getting an aging care business noticed in today’s crowded marketplace is becoming an increasingly difficult challenge, which is why the way these businesses go to market is so important.

Recently, the corecubed team received two prestigious Aster Awards for our work on the e-newsletter of our long-time client Advanced TeleHealth Solutions, as well as for our design work on coupon cards for senior care client Hannah’s Home Care, which helped both clients go above and beyond in their marketing efforts.

The Aster Awards, one of the largest national competitions of its kind, is hosted by Marketing Healthcare Today Magazine and Creative Images, Inc. This elite program recognized outstanding healthcare professionals for excellence in their advertising/marketing efforts for the calendar year 2014.

The 2015 Aster Awards received nearly 3,000 entries from across the United States as well as several foreign countries. All entries are judged by industry experts and are scored on multiple criteria with a possibility of 100 total points. Participant’s entries competed against similar-sized organizations in their specific groups and categories.

Awards were issued for entries that received top marks from judges placing them in the top 16% of the nation for advertising excellence. Judging criteria included creativity, layout and design, functionality, message effectiveness, production quality and overall appeal.

“The creativity of this year’s participating healthcare marketing professionals exceeded our expectations. The 2015 Aster Awards program contained some of the best and most creative advertising in the world,” said Melinda Lucas, Aster Awards Program Coordinator.

All winners are posted on the Aster Awards website (http://www.AsterAwards.com), as well as published in Marketing Healthcare Today, a national healthcare marketing magazine.

We’d like to issue a big thanks to our team for their hard work and continued dedication to excellence, as well as to our clients for trusting us to be their marketing partner. It is truly an honor to be able to work with you all. If you would like to work with an award-winning marketing team with aging care industry expertise, call us today!