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10 Must-Reads for Anyone Who Works in Senior Home Care

While it looks totally different this year, September still heralds the start of the school year and a season that we associate with learning. To that end, we want to share some reading recommendations from some of our team members and senior home care agency clients – books that have helped shape and elevate their views of older adults, advanced their brand and vision, and improved the way we serve those who are aging and their loved ones.

We invite you to pour a cup of coffee and settle in with these top ten picks:

  1. How to Say It to Seniors: Closing the Communication Gap with Our Elders, by David Solie (recommended by Tim Murray, CEO and Co-Founder, Aware Senior Care): Gain valuable insights and tools to remove the multigenerational communication roadblocks that are so common when relating to aging adults.
  2. Elderhood, by Louise Aronson (recommended by Amy Selle, Managing Director of corecubed): With the increased lifespan we’re experiencing today, most of us will now spend more of our lives as seniors than as children – perhaps for as long as 40 or more years. Rather than something to be dreaded, the author guides us in rethinking how we define aging, instilling hope.
  3. Ambiguous Loss: Learning to Live with Unresolved Grief, by Pauline Boss (recommended by Kathryn Rogers, Executive Director, Absolute Companion Care): For those struggling with grief for which there is no closure, such as when an older loved one is impacted by dementia, the author provides strategies to ease the pain and work through difficult emotions.
  4. Live Long, Die Short: A Guide to Authentic Health and Successful Aging, by Roger Landry, MD (recommended by Sybll Romley, Corporate Executive Director, Briggs Home Care): Written in a conversational tone, readers are encouraged to assess their health through a “Lifestyle Inventory,” and then are walked through tips for successful aging, helping to shift the perception of growing older and to enhance life at any age.
  5. Old Age Is Not for Sissies, by Art Linkletter (recommended by Kevin Turkington, Founder & CEO, Midnight Sun Home Care): As a spokesperson for his generation, the author outlines the key rights of older adults, such as the right to dignity and respect, good nutrition, freedom from abuse, travel, and more, along with other useful information for seniors and those who care for them.
  6. This Chair Rocks, a Manifesto Against Ageism, by Ashton Applewhite (recommended by Sybil Romley, Corporate Executive Director for Briggs Home Care): Delving into the roots of ageism and how its stereotypes negatively impact the way we function as we grow older, this eye-opening book encourages readers to view ageism in the same light as any other type of discrimination: unequivocally unacceptable.
  7. Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End, by Atul Gawande (recommended by Kerri Kristoff, Senior Project Manager for corecubed): This gripping book relays stories of the suffering of older adults in an environment where safety trumps independent choices and medication meant to improve life is actually shortening it.
  8. The 36-Hour Day: A Family Guide to Caring for People Who Have Alzheimer’s Disease, Other Dementias, and Memory Loss, by Nancy L. Mace (recommended by Merrily Orsini, President/CEO of corecubed): There’s still much to be done in understanding and caring for those with Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia, and this classic publication, now in its 6th edition, provides education and resources that help lead to better outcomes.
  9. The Handbook of Geriatric Care Management, by Cathy Jo Cress (recommended by Shelle Womble, Home Care Sales & Operations Coach for corecubed): Addressing the varied needs of older adults and the families who care for them, this is both a practical and comprehensive guide for anyone who wants to learn more about geriatric care management.
  10. Now One Foot, Now the Other, by Tomie dePaola (recommended by Amy Selle, Managing Director of corecubed): A heartwarming story suitable for the whole family, this simple but beautifully written picture book shares the story of a young boy who learned to walk from his grandfather, but then found himself reversing roles after his grandfather’s stroke.

We’d love to hear from you with any additional recommendations you may have to help us all refine and reshape our thinking about aging and senior home care, and to let us assist you with our own expert knowledge in home care advertising. Contact the home care marketing team at corecubed any time at 800.370.6580, x1, or through our online contact form.